
What do my dreams actually mean?

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i dont get it when people have the most unrealistic dreams its wierd my dreams are just sooooo veerrrryyyy real real life situations and things that have happened i dream almost 3 times a month about the same mountain top many different types of things have happened there and ive never seen this mountain but its just so realistic and i get this awesome feeling of home and protection and security i love it even if something bad or horrible happens on it i still miss the dream badly like it almost makes me sad and ruins my whole day because it wasnt real but it real life im completely terrified of ever driving up a mountain or camping am i just freaking crazy because this is wat im thinking haha plus ive been having the mountain dream since i was at least 13 im 19 now soo plus if this mountain is real at all i would almost kno everypart of it that is how detailed my dreams of the mountain are and i remember every details of all my dreams like it happened to me in real life




  1. It depends who you believe. Freud would say something rediculous. Look into the work of Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley It's very logical and makes the most sense to me anyway. Your dreams are basically random impulses.

  2. You are seeking adventure and excitement in your life.

    I would recommend climbing that mountain, do something adventurous in your life.

  3. First of all have you heard of periods............?

    The mountains in your dream suggest a place where you feel safe and is likely your unconscious refuge.  The mountain does not exist in reality but is likely a combination of places in your life where you have felt safe.  It seems that there much be a lot of anxiety in your life for you to need such a dream to recharge and feel secure.  It seems you might need to change where  you are in your waking like and move to a more stable life.

    Let me know if this helps.

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