
What do my dreams mean?

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ive been having dreams related to school. like ive arived at school in nasty clothes or i didnt have enough time too get ready. What do these dreams mean?




  1. the night b4 u start school back make sure u got eveything clean and ready and wake up a hour earlier tht way you'll know tht its just a dream then after tht it should go away

  2. your probly nervouse,

    just relax and it will be fine :)

    i have had dreams like that to,

    ones like i went to school with no makeup or,

    my pj's or nude lol,

    very frightning lol

  3. omg me to i have this dreams to but probly like were gettin nerves but yea i dreamt i had to go to school in my old shoes eww it was scary

  4. Try getting a dream book i have one and if i had a dream the night before i check up on it in my book it says under school that ; something happend there or your nervous

    Hope this helps

  5. Those dreams just mean either your eager to go back to school or youre really nervous. But its probably not the 1st one.

  6. Dreams are usually based on what has been on your mind lately or what has been happening in your life. Dreams don't mean anything. They can be funny, scary or weird.

    It is the holidays and obviously we don't want to go back to school, so it is what you would expect your dreams to be about.

    Usually dreams are just random and they don't mean anything so don't worry about it. You might just not want to go back to school. Just chill...

    Hope this helps.

  7. I dont think it is safe to corelate the dreams to the things happening in your life as there is no fool proof evidence that it works like that.dreams are still a mystery and is due to the pattern of sleep you get.Usually you dream during REM sleep and do not dream if the sleep is deep. So there is no scientific proof that you can actually correlate to the   things that is going to happen to you or is happening around you. You should read some  books  related to physiology of dreams  

  8. They mean you need to wake up earlier so you can get ready, choose good clothes, so you dont end up going to school looking like a douche cause its effecting your self esteem. Not to sound vulgar but thats the best way to put it. So get an alarm clock and wake up sooner, wash your clothes, press them and get ready so you dont end up looking trashy.  

  9. your nervous  

  10. Personal Insecurities you may have about yourself. Are you happy with the way you look, do you wish people would notice you more?

  11. maybe that you did something bad to someone and they r paying you back  

  12. I always have those.  I don't think they mean anything really.  You're probably just nervous and afraid someday you'll be late or be embarassed somehow.

  13. you just nervous or scared something bad is going to happen.

  14. it mean u are very nervous about your school and u think u might do sth wrong

  15. ur nervous about goin back 2 school... make sure u get up early on the first day, just in case... u dont want ur dream to become reality  

  16. Don't worry about it! Just don't try to do what your dream does because it's not real and you never know if it will happen that way or not! Just act like yourself and don't worry about the dreams!

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