i have been having alot of dreams lately with mary winstead in them. the first one was that i was like watching comedy central and she was in it and a bunch of othere people. the second one was, we were in my dads office doing work and they gave us pizza for lunch. mary was sitting across from me and she was taking off the cheese and tomatoes off the pizza. and she said that she dosent like cheese or tomatoes. then all of a sudden we were in a resturaunt and she told me she did not like sea food, she likes chicken, and some other stuff i cant remember. the last dream was that we were at a fair and mary was with us. we were watching tv on the bed and then she fell asleep. so i left her and went to go get my friend. when we came back she was gone and i asked if any one found her and they said that these evil people took her. so i went to the place and she was on top of this super tall jungle gym. i went up there and she was completely brain washed, she didnt remember me.