
What do my dreams mean?o.o?

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okay the first night I dreamed I was in an old house and my mother made me smoke and I felt I was getting addicted and I was living in a home with 3 other girls one with redish hair and tan skin another one with blonde hair and blue green eyes who was tall but not as tall as the girl with the redish hair and the other one was way younge she was still in high school she was only in the 9 th grade she was a red hair with a pony tail and freckles

the second night I dreamed I was in the same old house but this time there was disease going around that made me be isolated from socioty and I would see people die outside from this disease throwing up blood and seeing their skin shead

the second night I dreamed I was in the same old home but this time it looked more like a school but this time I was a boy in this dream and everytime I went outside instead of seeing sunshine it went cloudy and once I looked back inside the house it looked old and creeky then I felt stalked and choked




  1. drinking can affect dreaming

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