
What do my recurring dreams mean? ?

by Guest32841  |  earlier

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I've been having several dreams that just seem to occur over and over, but in different ways. The first one I had when i was very young, in the dream i got kidnapped and returned to my family years later. This dream came back in bits and pieces till finally a while ago it came back altogether. I didn't notice it before, but as soon as i dreamt it again, I went a bit downhill.

The second dream is that of me going back to my elementary school/high school. When i go there I always go in the classroom and see very familiar faces, but then something happens and it always points at me and although i could defend myself, i just let it go. Then, naturally, i feel like i've disappointed everyone and i leave. What happens when I leave is always different, however the building I am in is exactly the same. Whenever I am done doing something else, i decide to go back, but then i can't. I can't find the classroom and if i slept a bit too late and it's time to wake up, i won't be able to. BUT when i do have more time to finish the dream, i always get back to the classroom but then it all happens all over again. At the end of every night, (most nights) i'm back in the classroom, i leave and then can't go back.

This time (so you see an example of these dreams) I was showing up late for class and had no excuse. The teacher was threatening the whole class with more work if i didn't start showing up on time. Again i didn't defend myself, although i don't even know why i was late. As far as i'm concerned i heard the bell and i went to class? Anyhow, the class was angry and i started to say random things, like "one day when you're out of here you'll realize there are more important things in life than to worry about these" and that just confused people and pissed them off. Then i couldn't take the ignorance, so i lit a joint. (go ahead, laugh) After that, i hid the rest of it and the class was over. This was at my high school, with high school kids, after i walked out of there i was back at my elementary school. From there i went inside, trying to find my classroom, couldn't find it went outside and then ran into people that i guess were friends. All of a sudden there was beer, i had joints, one friend had smokes, someone else had liquor and it went on. So we hang out there, and then the bell rings. Although i didn't hear it, i figured it was time for class. So i go back inside and find myself going all around the building , unable to find it. Can't find the schedule, don't want to go down to the office, so i just keep looking. Now there happens to be a schedule posted in the gym/caf area? so i head over but when i get there the schedules were being ripped off by some kids (a lot younger) and then i grab the schedules and try to find my class but ofcourse i can't.

If i didn't have to wake up i probably would have found it, but the other times when i do, entering feels very heavy, although once i'm in it's all light. but then i always get kicked out or something happens and i lose the room again.

I realize this could mean nothing, but there's a definite pattern. I can't seem to find the classroom until it's found me sort of thing.

Third dream , i'll just keep it simple. I'm anywhere, anyplace, but all of a sudden disaster strikes and a lot of people end up in some kind of a sheltered area, a huge gym like place. Before all the people get there, I'm one step ahead of the disaster and i help as many as possible, i get people into that sheltered place. We always end up in the same place, but the disaster types, and areas hit are different. It always start out normal, then i begin to feel it coming, i fight it, help people, and then they're all safe. I'm a huge believer of soulmates and true love and what not, so i'm always looking out to see if that person is indeed there. And i've noticed that although i see many faces, I ALWAYS see that one person distinctively and i'm so in love that the whole reason i wanted to help people in the first place was that person. It's like i'm never scared of the disaster because that person is there, i've found my soulmate and i'm happy. ( sound weird enough? )

So anyway i have a lot of these dreams, always the same point and pattern but different situations. I started to do some heavy (but really great) lucid dreaming a very long while ago, and since then i haven't really been "dreaming" because it was all vivid. But the only dreams i can't control are these ones. Those are the three major ones. I dream a lot of circumstances where i'm helping someone or some people do something. Always get names, numbers , and distinct faces. But i was always too lazy to write them down right after. The last thing like that was yesterday. I got a number but can't remember past the first 7 numbers, the other 4 are there but not in the right order, and a name. After researching the name, I ended up with immanuel kant, a russian philosopher. I can see that most of his philosophies resemble mine, but wha




  1. I haven't read the whole thing but I can tell you that dreams are your unconscience trying to work out parts of your life that you are thinking about even if you don't realise. there is something on your mind, once its fixed the dreams will stop

  2. That was a lot to read man!!

    I'll try to feel out what stuff might mean, although I have no idea about your real life situations.

    I'll start with the feelings of confusion and being lost, as they seem prominent in your dreams. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion can signify that you are being pulled in opposite directions or do not know what is the right thing to do or believe.

    Dreaming of being lost suggests that you feel as though you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. It could also signify an attempt to adjust and get accustomed to a new situation in your waking life in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.

    To dream of disappointing people, like after you come in late, indicates that you are rejecting or ignoring some aspect of yourself. The other obvious possibility is that it may represent your own feelings of self-worth and being accepted.  

    As for the classroom, this could symbolize that you may be learning an important life lesson, or in your case, searching for a meaningful lesson you've forgotten.

    Dreaming of school relates to anxieties about performance and abilities. This is keeping in line with the feelings of disappointing others. You may also be going through a "spiritual learning" experience, or again, searching or yearning for that experience.

    The shelter dream is more difficult. It seems to center more on feelings of companionship and generosity than the dreams of being lost and confused. This is maybe more representative of what you hope for your own future. Is the face you see someone you already know? This could be your subconscious communicating unannounced feelings of love or attraction to this person.

    To dream that you are helping someone, indicates your willingness to compromise your beliefs toward a greater accomplishment. It also represents your efforts to combine your talents or energies to achieve a mutual goal. The dream of helping victims indicts that you will put aside your beliefs and prejudices in times of need.

    Hope this is helpful!!


  3. Just let the dreams go on. Remember this: dream is just the game of sleep. So, you don't have to be afraid or worry of it. Life must go on, ok??

    P.S: Thanks for answering my question. It helps  a lot.

  4. Not a dream expert or anything but the second dream(i think it was the second one) seems to be in some way,shape,or form about something you need to be doing and  are not, a goal you should be achieving, but are not. And there is one thing in particular that keeps holding up the process, whether that be a person, a habit, a fear. You should take a close look at your life, friends, habits, possessions, and see if there is something that gets you off track, takes up too much of your time, something thats keeping you from getting you where you need to be, or at least slowing you down from getting there when you should.

    okay, so thats my offering. hope you get further input from others on the rest.

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