
What do my recurring dreams mean??

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Okay, since I was very young, I have been having many different recurring dreams...

1)I am drowning in a large body of water, am completely unable to make much movement and become submerged, I think I am going to die and then I start breathing under water... and everything is ok??

2)I lose gravity and have to start moving my arms to try and keep myself down...

3)I go to school without clothes, because I "forgot" them and people don't notice... sometimes I freak out and say, "oh my goodness I have no clothes," and at other times I don't care.

4) I am being chased by someone and can't move very much (like I am almost paralyzed but not all the way) and they never actually catch me...

5) Someone is trying to kill me <--- this one happens a lot.

Thanks for your thoughts!! ;)




  1. wellfor number 4... when you are sleeping your body is acyually paralyzed from the waist down... thats y your mind causes your dream to not let u run

  2. Most likely you keep having the same dreams because you may have had something similar happen to you before in your life.

    Sometimes you have them multiple times when you think about certain things before you go to bed which will trigger the dreams.

    Maybe your dreams are about things you fear and worry about on a regular basis.

    Whatever they are about try to narrow them down to reason why you would have them in the first place.

  3. well, let me tell you bout my dreams first. During the school year, i always had dreams where i was dying or ended up dead. ive looke online several times and the reason for dreams where i die is because im too stressed. It&#039;s summer break for me right now and i have yet to have a dream where i die (im less stressed because of break). so for you, there must be something stressful on your mind that you think about when you go to bed. Also, try googling a dream dictionary, those have the answers as well.

  4. Okay I&#039;ll try and interpret each one the best I can!

    1) Do you feel overwhelmed by something? The water could represent what&#039;s overwhelming you, and you may feel like you don&#039;t have any control. When you start breathing maybe its saying that whatever is overwhelming you, its going to get better.

    2) Are there things you feel like you have no control of? Maybe it seems like whenever you need to get something done, you seem forced to do it yourself? Or maybe its saying that you need to keep yourself grounded.

    3) Wow I kind of get that sort of dream a lot too. I think its saying how you&#039;re overly-self conscious... And when you appear to school naked and no one cares, its supposed to show you that nobody pays that much attention to how you look. Obviously in real life they should care if you walk around naked, but anything&#039;s possible in dreams. :]

    4) Maybe you feel like you&#039;re just not meeting the standards for something... Maybe your grades, sports, whatever. But in reality, you really aren&#039;t doing that bad, you just make yourself feel like you&#039;re doing bad which ends up slowing you down.

    5) As for someone trying to kill you, its just a fear. A nightmare. I don&#039;t think there&#039;s much meaning behind it. I could be wrong though.

    However, don&#039;t take everything I say too seriously. I&#039;m not a psychologist or anything, I&#039;m just trying to help! :]

  5. i haven&#039;t heard of the gravity dream, but all the other ones are more common than you may think.  some dreams are shared by humans regaurdless of things like where you live in the world or what language you speak.  So the content seems normal.  if you are dreaming a lot you are probably stressed.

  6. Well If you know anything about &quot;lucid dreaming&quot; they can help you get lucid, but what they mean are...

    1) Sometime in the futuer you may be about to drown, and you&quot;ll be saved at the very last second

    2)uhhhh....good luck with that one

    3) It may have happened/ almost happened in the past, or the Future (reavuring dreams mean that they may happen later on a lot of the time)

    4) &amp; 5) you may have a fear of this happening to you

  7. there will be 7 years of famine and you will need to collect and store all your grain supplies for 7 years to survive it.

    your welcome.

  8. Since these dreams have been happening since you were young I would hazard a guess that someone in your family is stifling you.  You&#039;re losing gravity, but instead of flying (you can consciously do this in a dream) you try and hold yourself down, someone&#039;s chasing you but you can&#039;t really outrun them, someone trying to kill you, i.e. killing a part of your personality in real life.  You&#039;re drowning, but surviving.

    Identify the person in your waking life that is holding you back and keeping you down and depending on your age, you may not be able to do much about it... but you will be able to analyse the relationship and maybe come to some different conclusions.  Your subconscious is SCREAMING at you to acknowledge this!!

    Good luck

  9. i have similar dreams like that too and they always come back.

  10. I don&#039;t know I have had dreams where I am in extreme danger and must defend my self against an attacker however I can never hit them hard enough they seem to just laugh at my attempts to defend my self.


    I have one where I am a police officer and a man is charging at me I draw my Pistol only to not be able to pull the trigger like it is too heavy I finally get the shot off and I miss the harder I squeeze the harder it is for me to pull the trigger then the person over takes me and I wake up.

  11. In every dream there is a loss of control. If you are having these dreams frequently you need to look at aspects of your life where you feel out of control such as in a relationship that you&#039;re not happy with, too much work (school or job), a bad habit you want to break (ex. quit smoking). The list is endless and only you know what the problem is. Your subconscious is speaking to you and the dreams represent what you&#039;re feeling at this point in your life.

    Once you take steps to alleviate the stress you&#039;ll probably have fewer dreams like these. However, keep in mind that there are always things we can&#039;t control and we certainly can&#039;t control other people. But you can control how you react to a situation and the choices you make.

  12. There will be a flood at a local prison in may next year and you will die from it

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