
What do new zealanders sound like?

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I am a new zealander. I was talking to my friend from USA and he told me that i had a cool accent. I was like "i have an accent?". So i wana know what we sound like, thanks.




  1. We sound hot.

    Everybody wants a Kiwi accent.


    We do not sound like Aussies

    Feeesh and cheeeps

    Yeeh no we sure as *** dont say that.

  2. Apparently we say our "i's" like "e's" i.e pen sounds like "pin"  egg sounds like "igg"

    I worked at a summer camp in the US and it was the Europeans who mostly seemed to think that - many Americans just thought we sounded Australian (except better of course!) :-)

  3. we have the coolest accent EVER and we do not sound Austrailian, whilst travelling in europe i was constantly being asked which part on Australia am i from GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  4. Well, for the first thing, I have to say to all other people - WE DO NOT HAVE AUSTRALIAN ACCENTS! We actually have completely different accents. For instance, where as Australians supposedly say "feesh and cheeps", we supposedly (to them) say "fush and chups". It's just that everyone sounds diferent to each other because it's not what they're used to.

  5. Yes hate to  say it, but we do sound like aussies! When I was living in England I got called an Aussie for 90% of the time and south african for 5% and then NZ!!!.....As pointed out the longer you are away from hearing it, the stranger it sounds....My flatmate ( aussie) and I would hear an accent on tv and say...hmm is that Nz, oz?? or british....its very wierd as both accents become familiar.

    when listening to programmes from kiwiland, for the first time i really HEARD the accent......i remember watching some "rescue" programme and the man was saying things about he wind and to me it sounded like " yuh, thu wund us rully strong" OMG!!! Apparently we have short vowels and words to others sound the same....for example I got constantly hassled about names like ben, glen etc which they thought I was saying bin, glin...when I said "pen" it sounded like "pin" ( luckily the person who said this to me said " water" without the "T" I got him back then!

    I was teaching and in one class a girl said to me...I' wish I had an accent!!! I never had one til I left NZ either!!!

    when I came back to NZ I was HORRIFIED when listening to the announcer at the airport....."culd pepul flying tu gisbourne, pluse gu tu gate fuve now".....AND the extra addition of the "question" in a sentence....that is sounding like you are asking a question without asking one! I also remember cringing badly in a shop as two shopgirls were talking with such a broad uccent thut ut sounding

    So anyway....short vowels than make words sound similar to the untrained ear, a sroong similarity with aussie accent and to south african ( in some aspects) ...but better than both!!

  6. To us, you guys sound like Australians, who sound like British.

  7. Of course you have an accent, everyone does. Americans have accents, australians have accents, british have accents etc. NZ sounds like Australian, but softer.

  8. The only people who don't hear an accent in any civilisation, are people in your own peer group - your cohorts.

  9. Im a Kiwi who lives over sea's now, & can hear our accent a mile away...but i do sometimes get a bit confused with our accent & the Aussie accent. They are both very similar....unless your a Kiwi living in NZ, you wouldn't think so....

    If you go to You Tube " New Zealand accents" you will find some people impersonating our accent , as well as the real deal.

  10. We sound cool bro.

    I have been told by Norwegians that we sound a bit like ducks but I said they sounded all booshdeboosh like the Swedish chef on the Muppets. We have a twinge of the Pacific there too, our accent has a softness sometimes from that and its funny that French speakers from New Caledonia have a similar accent in French.

    Also once when I was in Singapore with a cockney guy and a Canadian, the  Canadian guy thought me and the Cockney guy sounded the same. The Cockney guy was all "oh Gordon Bennett thas a right laff that is gor blimey bless my soul."

    And more like the the Australians than we like to admit.

    Plus there's a bit of a Maori accent starting to creep in a little for some words, our!

    See ya great question

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