
What do non-"A LIST" actors/actresses do when they haven't found new projects to star in?

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By A-List, I'm actually referring to those who haven't become household names yet. Sure, they've guest-starred in a couple of popular TV shows and movies but they're still working on their fame.

They wouldn't spend 24/7 in audition rooms, right? They've got to buy food and pay their rents and stuff. So what do they usually do to *keep the money flowing* as they keep on showing up to auditions???




  1. Do you mean working actors? There are tons of actors who are under the "celeb radar" who can still make a living. And no, they're not all "working on their fame". People (who are actually successful) become actors because they like to act, not because they want to become famous.

    These under-the-radar actors do a mulititude of things. First off, national commercials pay extremely well. If you can get maybe 2 of these per year, you're set (and by set, I mean maybe getting $50,000 or so which is a respectable yearly salary but nowhere near the 7 digit salaries of the stars. Welcome to the "real world" of acting), however most actors will continue to do other things as well to keep making money. Equity theatre, supporting guest parts on tv shows, bit character parts in movies, etc. Some may also have business ventures on the side, usually related to acting, or may teach classes.

    I don't think these actors are the ones to worry about. I'd be much more concerned if I was a former A-lister whose sitcom was cancelled or has had a string of movie flops and is trying desperately to retain (or reclaim) their former status. Once you're in the spotlight, there's a lot of pressure to stay there and that's when the unfortunate one's end up on The Surreal Life and Celebrity Circus. Sad state.

  2. Reality Shows.

  3. Good question, simple answer.

    Many of US have other jobs, or other areas of the creative senses to engage in. You essentially answer your own Q.

    Certainly grogeries, shelter, utilities, etc. are valid concerns, as well as knowing how to best manage what money one has.

    I suggest however, that "A" list is probably a very narrowly defined "Club", and so much like Films, and Music, the genre vascilates from one week to the next in trends, etc.

    No one in the craft, especially those not so connected to the CLUB, can or should sit idle, waiting for the next great part, or call. Certainly anyone of any stature, even historically, who might have off periods, is unlikely waiting tables, or pumping gas. In a very real sense however, unless one adapts and can FIT into specific character roles, there is always a line of NEW kids on the block, wanting the same things. As one ages, in any genre or profession, adaptation is necessary to maintain employment, viability, and income.

      Part of your Q however, also relates to, or omits any notion of Passion for the craft, and that,,,even for the $$$ 7 figure income people, should be at the top of the desires list. Working on ones fame however does not at all relate to Passion.

       Current STATS show that an AVERAGE actor income is in a range of just under $48 per year.

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