
What do old people regret the most?>?

by  |  earlier

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coz i wanna do it while im still young so i dont have regrets!!!!!




  1. Not enough time spent with family and friends, and doing something they like (like a hobby etc.). Some regret also not having studied enough when they were young.

    Too much time spent working.  

  2. It's different for everyone.

    In your case, just ask yourself what is so important to you that you'd regret not doing it someday.

    Maybe you haven't thought of anything yet.

    Maybe it will relate to the people in your life, so treat them well.

    Sorry to be so vague but its a question, to me, that could be studied for years and then still not hit it for you personally.

    Good luck...I hope you have no regrets.

  3. Not enough sexual partners.

  4. Answering young peoples questions.

  5. getting that tattoo that they always wanted !

  6. shoplifting  when i was 11 years old

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