
What do ordinary heros represent?

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What do ordinary heros represent?




  1. My father was my hero, he was honest and hard working. When things were tough he didn't complain and he treated my mom like a queen. We didn't have the biggest house or the newest cars, he raised me and my siblings to be respectful. My mother adored him, seeing her get excited when he came home from work was electric.

  2. They represent the common, ordinary people that do outstanding jobs but are rarely recognized for what they do.  In my opinion, elementary school teachers are SAINTS!  (I teach high school - grade school kids are . . . uh . . . well . . . scary!)

  3. I think rnwallace07 has said it perfectly!  Nice answer

  4. An "ordinary" hero is one who does the right thing, at the right time, at the right place, without regard to personal safety, monetary reward, or notoriety.  They represent the majority of everyday working people.

  5. A hero is one who does their best despite challenges along the way.

    What's the difference between an ordinary hero and a special type of hero? They are both doing the same thing - their best.

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