
What do other Countries Think Of America and Its People?

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I've heard they think we are dumb.. and I dont really blame them...lolz... but just curious what do you think of when People are talking about America?




  1. America - not much

    Americans - Let down by a media system that refuses to let them learn about the rest of the world.

  2. I think America is a blessed country. She has used her influence create alot of changes some positive some negative. American people are just people in general; Some appreciate the fact that they are fortunate enough to be born in the world's richest country and try to help people all over the world. Others are selfish, arrogant and "belittle" other people because they are from other countries (third world countries).

    I have come across some great Americans and I have come across some jerks as well. Some are amongst the most intellectual and some are dumbs as a door k**b.

  3. yeah, most people think you are a dumb nation.

    I think that is mainly because there appears to be total ignorance of foreign countries, customs and cultures.

    Added to this the belief it is the best country in the world.

    The sincerity and eagerness to listen, of some Americans abroad, comes across as brashness.

    I like America, it's too vast a continent to group a whole national identity into one stereotype. But I would not like to live there..

    BTW, listening to commentary on the Nadal Phau game yesterday, by 2 US commentators, and I enjoyed it more than the British counterparts. They were funnier, more informed and only mentioned Andy Murray once!!!!

  4. depends on the person i guess majority they think america is big headed they dont understand the patriotism because they dont neccissairly have it for their own country although u think they would life is just to fast paced and put in the fashion or whatever for them to truely grasp it.  

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