
What do other pregnant or non pregnant teens think about Jaime Lynn Spears and her pregnancy???

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I know there are many people with mixed opinions about Jaime Lynn and her pregnancy. But as a 17 yr old pregnant teen I think that poeple are making it bigger than it should have been made. Everyone makes mistakes. It happens to teens everyday, that doesnt make them a bad person.




  1. Don't call pregnancy a mistake!

  2. If she tries and puts her heart and soul into it i think she will be a great mom. Its kind of hard for her though becuase she is caught up in famous life everybody knows her business day and night. Im sure she will have a lot of pressure from the press and all that. I just hope and pray she dont end up like her sister!

  3. I think that it's not her fault because she is living a celebrity child life but you shouldn't get pregnant until you graduate from high school, have a good career, and married at the least. I hope she doesn't turn into her sister.

  4. I think shes a normal girl, maybe even a good girl, that made a bad choice.

  5. I DON'T think thats good cuz she is setting a really bad example for teens.

  6. When I was a teenager, girls were sent away to homes for unwed mothers and babies adopted out.  You were not allowed to stay in school either.  I have never felt that a baby is a"mistake".  Having one too early is a mistake if you are not financiallly prepared to take care of it . I think moms and dads want their daughters to finish school, have a career and live life before they have the responsibility of a child and look at Jamie Lynn as not a good role model.  But, I wish her happiness and best wishes with her new little one.

  7. I understand and agree with where you're coming from..


    younger teens and preteens regard these teen celebrities as role models and if nobody looks at the negative aspects of her pregnancy, and the mistakes she has made, they will think that being pregnant young is a good thing.

  8. Heya

    Im 17 and 18 weeks pregnant. I think she is getting way to much stick for being a young mum and she needs some support from us and congrats. She faced up to her responsibilties and didnt have an abortion. I think she will make a good mum. Think , she is financially stable. That baby will never ever ever have to go without. unlike some full grown adults children do. age is merely a number. =] x*x

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