
What do ou think of the saying, " u cant eat ur cake and eat it too"?

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man i want my cake and i want to eat it too!!! lol but i just wanted to see what everyone thought of it lol :)




  1. its actually "u cant have your cake and eat it too". and yes it means you cant have everything at the same time. and also, people are greedy and they'd probably devour your creation before you get a chance at it... very metaphoric but also straight forward

  2. Don't kind of understand it

  3. I hear it used a lot! It makes since and puts things into their prospective!

  4. you quoted it wrong, doofus.

    "You can't eat your cake and HAVE it too"

    Now whatcha going to do?

  5. It means that if you HAVE your cake, you can't eat it because if you eat it, then you won't HAVE it. It took me awhile to understand what they were saying, but basically it means that you can't have everything.

  6. "cant have your cake and eat it too" means that you cant have everything!! but there is always a saying for a saying and a way to work around it for instance you can always make more!

    So it is okay for people to have what they want but not when it effects others in a negative way!!! and most of the time this saying is only used when someone is not happy with someone else lol so hey

    guess we cant have our cake and eat it too, cant win every battle and winners always lose!!!

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