
What do our pastors and faith gurus have to say about USA and all the natural disaster this time around?

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Bad tornadoes, Hurricanes, Katrina, bad Floods, bad fires.

Has it ever been this worse?

Some crazy pastors use to say that people were given disaster by God?

Others were praying disaster struck the DNC convention?

Does any reasonable person really believe in all these crazy charlatans who brand themselves pastors?




  1. those nutjobs are still blaming it on homosexuality,

  2. perhaps they will say that G-d tries His People

    Those of Southern Agrarian and Frontier heritage, like their kindred spirits throughout the country, and throughout the world, are not defeated by natural catastrophe; they understand that such things are cyclical, and the roots of tradition not only sustain them during these times, but become even stronger.

  3. Who knows..If, after this hurricane matter, tornadoes start following McCain and crew around the country, I'd have to conclude the religious conservatives ' a on the wrong side of history'.  

  4. I`m no Pastor or faith guru, whatever that means, just a regular Born-Again-Christian. I would venture to say that God allows tornadoes, hurricanes, bad floods, bad fires, etc. to happen because they are forces of his creation that just happen. Just as the Earth that he created spins around and the rotation of the Moon affects the tides. In this day and age, we are fortunate to have some warnings about storms, trornadoes, floods, fires and earthquakes that help us in getting out of harms way. But we tend to be arrogant and ignore those warnings, just as we also ignore God`s warnings. The disaster of Katrina is a good example of the arrogance of Louisiana`s and New Orlean`s government and inhabitants. Had the local government taken the proper measures to protect their citizens by constructing proper levees and putting safe measures of mandatory evacuations the death toll would not have been so horrific and the floddings could have been prevented. Like the local government the population`s arrogance was their undoing, they did not prepare themselves for the worst case scenario. Having said these couple of thruths that show man`s involvement is disasters, I will now show how Satan`s involvement causes disasters. Satan`s goal is to kill and destroy his enmies and that would be humanity, not God. Why not God? Because Satan is not equal to or greater than God. So, he is very busy trying to kill and destroy humans because he loves to do that. Whenever humans move away from God they leave themselves open for Satan`s attacks. Our nation as a whole has been drifting away from God for some time now and by their actions they are giving Satan ripe ground in which to carry out his deeds. Atheists say there is no God and Satan is very happy about that because by their action they put the welcome mat for him to come and do what he wants with them and their house. Americans need to do a lot of praying and repentance so that they can have God in their lives and in their neighborhoods again, at the same time we need to be sensible to danger and prepare ourselves for confrontation with what we call disasters, because just as our planet spins and our tides are affected by the rotation of the Moon, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fires, etc. do happen in our world. We can be saved by God but more importantly we need to save ourselves and we can do that best when we have a personal relationship with God.  

  5. Rev. Wright says "God bless,no,no....Goddamn America".

  6. who cares they make me sick

  7. Seems to me God is taking another swipe at a den of sin we call New Orleans. I would guess he is trying to change the voting demographic.

  8. A couple of well known democrats have intimated that it was a sign that there was a god and god was on the democrats side regarding Gustav.  I'm not sure those celebrating death and destruction are very commendable either.


  9. With one exception, I would say ignore what pastors you see on Television.  With that one exception, their purpose behind going on television is to glorify themselves.   That exception is Charles Stanley- he legitimately is trying to help people who are unable to get out to attend church.   He doesn't seem to push an agenda, and he doesn't bribe for money.  

    Disasters are often used to get people's attention.  If we'd just pay attention to God to begin with, I don't believe we'd have so many little wake up calls.   Sometimes we need to be reminded that we as humans ARE NOT IN CONTROL.  

  10. Hopefully they keep their mouths shut. They said the same thing about 911 and it is disgusting. If your religious leader says that run to the nearest exit, grab the donation plate on the way out and give it to the Red Cross, they will actually put it to good use.

  11. I've been wondering if the pastor who invoked prayers for rain to ruin the DNC convention now feel God hates him.  Or maybe God got his GPS from Radio Shack and it's on the fritz.  

    Then McCain announced that the RNC would "act like Americans, not Republicans" to deal with the situation, & I choked on my coffee.  I guess that means they will act like Democrats?  

    Bring in the clowns, the 3 ring circus is in town.

  12. I think that Natural disasters are the earths way of ridding itself of excess. sounds kinda mean but oh well what are you gonna do about. of course if your a liberal you think that we can "change the weather"

    Natural disasters have been on the rise for many years yet also deaths from natural disasters have decreased by 95% in the last hundred years. really sounds terrible doesnt it?

  13. What a S****y place to live!!!

  14. Jesus said:

    "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. “  Matthew 5:45.

    So, that's what preachers should say!

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