
What do outdoor cats do when the snow comes?

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we took in a stray male. He is 3 or 4 years old. stays outside most of the time cuz he fights w/ our indoor cat. What will he do when it gets cold outside. Never saw him use the litter box.




  1. I wouldn't worry, cats are one of the best animals for surviving. As long as your putting food out for him, he will live a VERY comfortable life.

  2. they climb the trees. if you are outside at night after a snow, look up and the trees will be filled with kitties. it is scary. like the Birds.

    i really dont know.

    AND i hate the ope spell check thing. it makes me feel stupid.

    i hope things go okay with your kitty. maybe he will become more domesticated the longer he lives with you. winter is still months away.

  3. I guess it all depends on your definition of 'cold'.  The most difficult part is getting water;  sure, they can eat snow if it is on the ground, but you get little moisture and it requires a lot of energy to do so.

    If you can get him neutered, that will do a great deal for him.

    But they find animal holes to hunker down in, sometimes under sheds in people's yards, and almost any place that can stay dry.

    You could even consider building some type of shelter for him in the backyard;  it doesn't have to be fancy.  Even something out of plastic storage containers can work.  I have posted a couple of links to some simple things that can work.

    Cats grow a winter coat to help them, but it is not always successful.  He will need extra food.

  4. simple

    if you have a shed or space in your garage buy a pet bed and leave a door open to the backyard

  5. Cats grow a winter coat like any other animal that lives outside in the winter.  They do fine, if they can get some shelter, under some bushes, a garage, a box or what ever they do fine.  The find the sunny spots during the days, and can find the spots that protect from the wind.  I have barn cats that stay out and on their own winter, summer, rain or shine,the do fine.  

  6. He will live with it... Don't mind that guy before me, he won't freeze to death... My cats stayed 3 weeks in a -20 degrees Celsius cold, and lived to tell the tale... err... tell the meow anyway...  

  7. outdoor cats survive just fine during the winter they will find shelter and warmth as long as there is a ready food supply he will survive as for the water he will eat the snow or find another source for hydration. our little shakespear was a stray that showed up in our basement during the last cold snap in jan. and has been with us ever since loving the attention and when he came in we showed him where the litter box was and he started using it right away. as for the fighting it is most likely territorial ar dominacy since they are both male(i assume). my sister has cats that live outside and one is about 10 yrs old and was born outside and never seen the inside. if you are worried about him set up a little cat house for him he will use it if he needs to.

  8. catsicle

  9. When I lived at my dad's, a few of our cats would go outside. Baby Girl was a drop off and so she was used to being outside. The cats were allowed in the house, but she would refuse to come in a lot of times. In the winter, she would go outside and she would end up going under the porches and we had a shed and lean-two and I know she'd go in there also. Using a liter box is a instinct. Outside, it's dirt. If you do bring him inside, put him in the liter box right away so he knows where it is. That's what we do to our cats and they pick up on it at that moment basically.  

  10. Outside life for a cat sucks.  Yes, some cats will survive for awhile but they will die an early (usually painful) death.  I understand your concerns about your two cats.  If you want to keep your male cat outside, please do the following: 1) Neuter (This will prevent most territorial fighting), 2) Vaccinate, 3) Provide a warm shelter, 4) keep food and water available.  Shelter can be as simple as a wood/plastic box with carpet facing away from North.

    He has a big outdoor litter box.  

  11. It freezes to death.

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