
What do pandas eat?

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What do pandas eat?




  1. bamboo. it's the long cylindrical hard plant thingy that grows in the forest

  2. Pandas are carnivores, however they mainly eat Bamboo and Bamboo leaves.

  3. bamboo

  4. bamboo but they have to eat a lot of it because of it's low nutritional value

  5. Panda Bears eat over fifteen different kinds of Bamboo. Because of a inefficient intestinal system the Panda must feed for 12 to 16 hours a day, they can consume 22 to 40 pounds of Bamboo each day. When they eat fresh Bamboo shoots they eat about 84 pounds every day. A sedentary bear who usually stays in a selected feeding area eating large amounts of bamboo.

  6. BAMBOO!

  7. people or mostly bamboo

  8. It eats Bamboo or Bamboo leaves..

    Pandas will feed almost exclusively on bamboo. This seems to be quite an oddity as they are actually a member of the carnivorous group, an order of animals who feed on meat and animal products. The herbivorous diet causes a problem for the panda, as they have the digestive system of a carnivore that is designed for digesting meat. The panda cannot properly digest the cellulose and therefore derive little protein and energy from their diet. To gain the nourishment the panda needs to survive, it will eat anywhere up to 80 pounds of bamboo in one day. Due to the low nutrition of their diet it is important that the Panda keeps their digestive tract full. Although a Panda's diet is almost exclusively made up of bamboo, they will also eat honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, and bananas.

    I hope it helps!! =]

    --Mae Chan
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