
What do parakeets eat

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i know they eat seeds but can they also eat bugs too?




  1. Hello.

    According to my knowledge , parakeets are vegeterians ( I think they also are called grass keets ) My parakeets eat seed , millets ( I grow my own millets every year for them from Spring to Summer ) They eat all the green shoots from millets . They also eat boiled eggs , but NO bugs . I also give them brown bread  , crackers too ( 2 times a week ) . Hope this help. TM.

  2. i would guess if the parakeet had to it would eat bugs but even in the wild they are seed eaters

  3. No they dont eat meat of any kind including bugs. It is best to treat them with millet spray or pellets.

  4. Most people feed them a seed diet. I,ve noticed that pellet diets are way healthier for them.  

    Also they like to eat fruits and veggies. Don't feed them any parts you wouldn't eat like seeds nuts, and dont feed them the skins of grapes.  only feed them the nuts and seeds you would eat like walnuts and almonds.

    Stay away from avacodos ans iceberg lettuce

  5. i have 2 parakeets and i give them cut up apples celery breeding food, regular bird food, and MILLET.they love love love love millet.
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