
What do parents look for in a baby sitter?

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and what impresses them? i am baby sitting for this family in a few days and i want to make a good impression. any good tips? please, i really need to make some money. THANKS!!! : )




  1. ask questions about rules and such for the kids

    you should call ahead of time and ask if you can arrive 10 minutes early to better understand some of the rules

    ask what they can have and cant have, whether they can go outside, whether they need to be fed, ect

    do exactly what they tell you to do and when they come back give them a full report on what happened. be extremely friendly to the kids when you first arrive and they will be very impressed =]

  2. You should bring items with you like a game so you can play with the kids, they enjoy that and I remembering my sister telling my parent about her baby sitter being fun by playing games and bringing treats but make sure the kids can eat the treats, cupcakes or cookies (Kids enjoy sweets.) Good Luck!

  3. ~ CPR trained

    ~ Bring stuff to do with the kid(s)

    ~ Dont walk in looking like a drunk teen who needs money for drugs, etc.

  4. parents look for the following:


    good with kids


    common sense and good judgement

    doesnt ask for alot of money

    dress appropriatly, not too much makeup(just gives a good first impression)

    not too young

         hope that helps!

  5. Red Cross offers a training course in which a babysitter can obtain a license of some sort. This is a big help with parents, and shows you are a "certified" baby sitter. CPR training is a definite to begin babysitting. I would also ask questions about a child's('s) special needs. Like, if they had down-syndrome or were prone to become very angry.  This can help allot! plus, if you show honest concern for their child, they will trust you with it.

  6. If you don't know what a parent expects of a babysitter then you shouldn't be doing it!

  7. at night get them asleep before they get home

  8. I want to see someone that is level headed, mature & responsible.

    A big plus for me will be someone that will get down on the children's level to play with them. I want someone that isn't afraid to get a lil dirty either.

    All in all I want a fun person my kids are going to enjoy, not one that will sit on the phone or computer or watch tv the whole time. Those are the babysitters I don't call back

  9. Besides training classes and experience, most parents look for the following.

    -Promptness - don't come late, you may even want to come a few min early. Parents like to fill you in on what they need from you.

    -Proper dress - go to the job as if you are ready to play(especially if the kids are young). Don't where high heal shoes or formal attire. While you want to dress informally don't go overboard with that. I usually where old jeans and a t-shirt/sweat shirt, and sneakers. Wear something that says I am willing to get dirty with paint or spit-up, etc.

    -Responsibility - Follow the parents rules(don't give the kids ice cream if you know it is not allowed, or let the kids stay up hours after bedtime, etc).

    -Be informed - Make sure you ask the parents what the rules are. Most parents will tell you what they need you to know, but be ready with questions to clarify anything you need to better understand. Always ask if you are thinking of something.

    -Cleanliness - Clean up after the children(pick up toys, dishes, etc), no parent wants to come home to a mess. I clean anything the children played with while I was there as well as the dishes they used.

    -Info - Let the parents know how it went. When did the kids eat(if they are on bottles), when did they go to bed, was their any problems/injuries.etc. If you watch a baby, when was her last changing(and what was it).

  10. Relate to the kids, talk to them about what they like and offer to play games. Be energetic and fun

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