
What do people actually do in the navy?(More then one)

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I was thinking about being in the navy so I wanna know what they do.




  1. They just go on cruises and take liberties when ever they can!

  2. Hey how are you? If you're a smart person and would like to take advantage of the Navy ratings (jobs) then you would like to look into the ATF (Advanced Technical Field) which mainly is say linguists jobs, intelligence jobs, engineering jobs such as NUKE, or computer field AECF (Advanced Electronics Computer Field)....there is a lot.

    If you want something more adventurous perhaps you would like to be a pilot in the Navy or a rescue swimmer.

    Go to, I'm KJC88 there, there is a list of jobs with descriptions under (Navy ratings) in the Navy they call jobs, "ratings".

    So come on over, let us know what interests you or what you are good at and we can help! Good luck! GO NAVY!!!

  3. There are a number of different specialties and career fields within the Navy. Are you considering officer or enlisted?

    As an officer, there are specialties such as surface warfare, submarines, aviation, supply, medical, legal, civil engineering, and more.

    As an enlisted person, there are even more... administrative jobs, aviation-related jobs, fire-control (weapons), engineering/damage control, operations, navigation, cryptology, gunner's mates, boatswain's mates, master-at-arms, culinary specialist, builders, corpsmen (medical), and many, many more.

    Naval personnel serve on shore, on airplanes, ships, and submarines all over the world. Major naval bases are at Norfolk, VA, Jacksonville, FL, San Diego, CA, Everett, WA, Honolulu, HI, Yokosuka, Japan, Sasebo, Japan, Bahrain, and more.  Basic training is at Great Lakes, Illinois.

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