
What do people call others.....?

by  |  earlier

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Darling, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, baby, etc especially people you don't know.




  1. I call people i can't remember their names (especially children) buddy or mister for boys, and missy for girls. If it is at church, I say hermano, or hermana because I go to church w/ people who speak spanish and we call each other brother and sister. I just call my husband babe as a nickname.

  2. My oral surgeon does that, but boy is he dreamy. Some people you don't mind, ya know.  

  3. I typically call someone whose name I've forgotten "sweetie"; some people find this endearing but it definitely depends on who is saying it.

  4. They may know they have a bad memory when it involves names so to avoid looking foolish they just call everyone by the same name.

    My boyfriend calls me either baby or babe and I like it.

    Does it bother you that much?

  5. Well if ur dating someone they will call you those..or if someone off the street thinks ur hot then yes they will also call you that..

  6. Some boars think that cute pet names are what female wait staff enjoy hearing.  I try to be more respectful unless the gal calls me some name first.  Then I go along with it.  A little bit of humor or flirting is sometimes nice.

  7. yeah i hate that.  i got on my bf for that.  people he doesnt know he calls that sweetie or hon.  I told listen dontyou do thast s h i t again,  

  8. It all depends on the situation, most people I think wouldn't call their boss darling or honey or sweetie unless they were having a relationship with them.  I certainly wouldn't call someone I didn't know any of those names, they'd think you were a weirdo and call the police.

  9. i say man a lot.. like hey man. or help me out man.. or i do the, hey you, with the face. i say that to people i know though

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