
What do people do when they do not have enough money to pay all their bills?

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What do you do when you lose your job and you have no money coming in to pay your bills? You have everything to pay....need medications....need food...just even the basics you can't even buy to survive.




  1. Unfortunately, some people use credit cards and once they get a job they can start to work on paying down the balance. Welfare is also an option in situations like this. They also apply for unemployment until they can get back on their feet. If their is a food bank in their area, they can get free food from there. People can also turn to family in times like this. I'm helping my mom with gasoline for her car right now. The last resort would be to take valuable things to the pawn shop (not highly recommended). There are all kinds of things one can do.

  2. kinda sucks, but if u lost your job, did u apply for unemployment? If you have a family you might see if a church can help somehow. Or you can always go to a social service agency, either state or private, and see what ur options are. good luck.

  3. well if you lost your job, i think you can file for unemployment so you at least get some money to buy food.  you need to go find a job... some jobs, part time, weekend, whatever, to buy medication.  

    curb your spending immediately and try to sell any assets you can to help out.  if you have credit card bills to pay, call them up and let them know you're now unemployed, and that you would like to work out some kind of payment plans so you don't ruin your credit.  

    if you're so very broke, you can apply for government assistance, like welfare and medicaid.  you must find a job though because government assistance is only to get you through tough times while you get back on your feet.

    good luck.  i'm sorry about your situation.

  4. some other folks said it on the income side... first, try to collect unemployment which can be a hassle but does provide funds regularly for a time.  Try to reduce bills by cutting cable or dumbping both a phone and cell (just keep one), etc.  Maybe think of moving to a lower priced place or possibly even move in with family or friends temporarily.

    Try to talk to friends or relatives about any job openings they know of and definitely try placement agencies.

    As for not being able to pay bills, you should contact your creditors as soon as you can (including credit cards/utilities) and tell them about what's going on.  maybe they can delay billing, etc.

  5. Get a job. If your unable to find a job...get a job with Primerica Financial Aid you dont need any education or experience they are willing to give you the experience. Find the nearest base shop to you and start youll be making money and learning ways to help yourself and others on how to NEVER be in that situation.

    Otherwise you can always go bankrupt and end up homeless. or end up living with your parents, family member,or friend. But who wants to do that ?

    Look into what i said about primerica its a huge and good company.

  6. Look for ways to have enough money to settle your obligations.  If the due dates are closing in and you're still short, you can contact your creditor to negotiate for a deferred plan.  But the most important thing you need to do first and foremost is to PRAY then move to where the Lord will lead you.

    You may also wanna try to do online surveys, it may help as it has helped many.  Learn more from this:

  7. I've been blessed and have never been in that position, but I would guess this is where social services come in, i.e.; food stamps, subsidized housing, unemployment compensation, etcetera. Once you are employed again, if you have a lot of credit debt you may have to file bankruptcy to start over with a clean slate.

  8. Get another job fast, borrow from family and friends, find a food pantry, sell possessions, look into welfare and food stamps

  9. You can mystery shop, do promotional modeling, etc. You can also become a ChaCha Guide.

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