
What do people do when (you think) no one is looking?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Pick thier Nose

    Pick their wedgie

    scratch their ninnies

    sing out loud

    smell their arm pits

  2. pick their nose

  3. all the above, only do some, ha ha

  4. Pick their noses.....

  5. PIck there undies out of there booty. Ha ha ha ha. Adjust there bra so the b***s are more comfy. Hee hee. Check there arm pits to see if the Deordant is working still *sniff sniff* Good to go. Ahaaa ha ha. f**t or burp loudly * BURP* Wow does that feel better. LOL

    Take care my lovely friend. xx Sugar bug

  6. Pick wedgies.  Stare at others.  Make voodoo dolls in the likenesses of their coworkers and poke them with pins.  Check for body odor.  Breath check.  Floss.  

  7. mate..  P

  8. Picked their nose, anyhow pee

  9. pick spots

  10. I do the same stuff babe! lol

  11. Pick their noses etc.

  12. Pick their nose

    Pull wedgies out their butt


    Drink juice straight from the container

    Bite their toenails

  13. pull knickers out of your bum

  14. All of the above.. plus hit people or poke them and do harmful things! Everything others would think wrongly normally!!

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