
What do people eat in hamburg in germany?

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What do people eat in hamburg in germany?




  1. I'm German and can tell you that there are many different regional cuisines in Germany. Along with tons of international and semi-international dishes such as Italian, Chinese, Turkish, Greek, Persian, Indian, other Asian. There also is the interregional German cuisine that is actually FAR from the sausage/sauerkraut/dumpling routine that people picture.

    Essentially, the stereotypically German foods people picture are more BAVARIAN than anything... and Bavaria is only 1 state of 16 in the country.

    Quoting from website:

    "Schleswig Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg and Berlin, with their access to the North and Baltic Seas, their availability of spices, and their exchange of culinary know-how with Scandinavian and Eastern countries, include "Rote Gruetze" (fruit soup), "Sauerfleisch" (meat in aspic made with fish gelatin), "Bulletten" (meat balls), "Helgolander Krabbensalat" (Helgoland shrimp salad), and "Soleier" (pickled eggs)." Lots of fresh seafood too. =)

    Source & more info here:

    Another site to check out if you're really interested. =)

    Guten appetit.

  2. Wieners....................or Curry Wurst..........!!!!!!!

  3. Well,i am from germany and i know they eat different and nutrious food there,u can even oder the kind of food u want there expectially from home.Their food is cheap,so is their resturants.If u wanna go for an holi germany is the best place,just that they re racist(hehehehe)

  4. Hamburgers, of course, with saurkraut.

  5. hamburg ers

  6. Food...duh :-)

  7. Germany has a very strong American influence. "With all the US military bases and tourism".  You can find their anything that you can find in the states. But Hamburg and other German city's are known for: beer, bratwurst, sauerkraut and schnitzel. Oh and don't forget the pretzel

  8. Frankfurts

  9. coz the food is great

  10. beer and bratwurst.

  11. hot dogs hehehe(German sausages)

  12. they're vegans.

  13. The are all

  14. Sausage. Because Germans eat sausage. Lots. And they down it with nice refreshing stein of beir.

  15. Labskaus, a kind of fish casserole. Horrible!!!!!

    Hamburgers have nothing to do with Hamburg.

  16. Salad, Meat, and Potatoes.

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