
What do people from australia look like ?

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i've always heard that the guys were soooo hot

and the girls were beautiful

but i've never actually seen anyone from australia

can someone send me a picture of someone ?




  1. They look like us americans but they have green skin.

    come on ..

  2. Australia's very muliticultural.

    We look like we're from all over the world.

  3. IMGP0329.JPG

    this is my friend from australia

  4. They look like people from Europe or America.  Ever hear of Nicole Kidman or Keith Urban? Both Aussies.  I've had the good fortune to visit Australia twice and can honestly say that their population is as diverse as America's - some beautiful, some homely, and a rainbow of colors, shapes and sizes.  Most Australians are very outdoorsy which does tend to make their population more physically fit than ours,perhaps that's the appeal.  Australia was originally a prison colony of England - they sent their prisoners there because they thought it was a rugged,horrible spot.  Eventually the prisoners were freed and most Aussies can trace their ancestry back to merry old England.  The native aboriginal people are very dark, with curly hair. Because of its location Australia is a popular spot for Asian immigrations as well. So you see, there's not one type of Australian, just like there's not one type of look in America.

  5. Australians to me are everyone in the country, NOT just the white people or anyone with British heritage. So we all have different looks but share the same passion to be an Australian.

  6. they look just like us but sometimes they ae a little more tan.

  7. Pretty laid back people

    See photo here

  8. Chinese most people from australia look Chinese


  9. Giant lobster claws.

    See? Told you so.

  10. Nowadays, we are a diverse bunch from pretty much every country and ethnic group you could imagine. Australia is a young country which has a falling birth rate so welcomes immigration particularly skilled immigrants so lots coming from Asia but also refugees from such places as Somalia so in another generation we will grow to be different again! It's great!

  11. Haha! This is such a cute question!!

    i'm Aussie.. I think we look similar to americans, google it or just go to  myspace or facebook there a millions of aussies there,  i suppose to americans we do speak kinda funny and our slang is a little whack but i suppose thats what makes us australian!

  12. We have people from all over the world.. So picture people from all different countries mixed in a crowd.. And there you go.. Australia..

    Dont believe the stereotypes about Australia.. Seriously..

    But what i told you, is what you will see on an every day basis.. The government hides the truth... Most of the people have crab leg arms, and kangaroo legs, and slits for eyes... Not pleasant is it? But they have their own life under ground.  

  13. They look just like anybody else.  I do think there's something in the water though.  When I went, I swear there were more tall, gorgeous, curly-haired men than in the States!  ;~)

    And of course you've seen people from Australia - INXS, Nicole Kidman, Heath Ledger, Keith Urban, AC/DC, Toni Collette, Anthony LaPaglia, Brian Brown, the blonde chick who plays Sam on Without a Trace (I'm blanking on her name), Rachel Griffiths...I could go on.

  14. just like americans.

  15. they pretty much look just like americans! they have an accent and their own slang which sets them apart. but thats the only way you can tell them from americans =]

  16. They look like Americans, Europeans etc. It's a melting pot like most new countries. I think the stereotype of people being really hot here comes from the fact that it's beach weather for most of the year so some people will make more effort to stay fit - no big winter sweater's to hide under if you know what I mean. But that's not everyone. I think it's the same as California - there seems to be the same stereotype.  

  17. Americans seem to have it stuck in their head that we are all convicts.

    I've been travelling in the US at the moment and I'm so sick of people calling me a criminal. Not to mention the fact that my dad is from Scotland and my mothers parents are from Switzerland. So I don't even desend from the first white people, like 200 years ago.

    There are so many things I could say about Americans. Grrrr

  18. Firstly, Australians look NOTHING like Americans (mostly because there is far less weight problems here than there is in the US).  

    Secondly, ... well.. enough already said

  19. They have pouches and long ears and hop around everywhere saying "G'Day Mate!" - - - - - are you serious?

  20. Think Mel Gibson, Olivia Newton-John, Nicole Kidman, and you'll get an idea.  I've been to Australia several times and, yes, they are gorgeous.

  21. we got little antennas on the top of our heads, plus everyone can everybody else minds!


  22. it's hard to tell what people from Australia look like Australia is a multicultural country

  23. Well most ausies were originally from the UK so they will look more or less like Brits or most Americans too as they came from the UK.

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