
What do people from other countries think of Australia and our lifestyle??

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Just a fun question, because when I speak to people from other countries they quite often think all sorts of weird and wonderful things about Aussie. I think it's hilarious, and I'd love to hear your opinions, wether they're funny or serious! Thanks!




  1. In Europe, people are absolutely in love with Australia. Everyone wants to go.

    The outback, the sunsets, the beaches, the tropics,'s their dream...

    They think the ppl are laid back and really cool / friendly. Some think they're a bit superficial, that to get to know them well is a hard task. Like they don't let wogs into their circle...

    Which is true, I find.

    I've heard a convo of french ppl on a train, they were like, give an Auzzie a carton of beer, and he's happy!

    They don't need much...very genuine, true ppl....

  2. I'm from Australia too and  I  know  what you mean. Like I think its adorable that some used to think we have kangaroos in the streets I was asked about that the other day.When we went to NZ we got so many Aussie jokes I think it was pay back for the sheep ones we do.

    To Ellababy hence Damien  Leith (Irish) doing so well in Australian Idol (  Iam so glad you had such great time and to everyone else as an Aussie im so proud to be one and touched by the lovely comments.

  3. I am just back from Australia after spending a year there! (I'm Irish) It was absolutely amazing! II travelled all over. I think your country is beautiful, and just as beautiful in the outback as it is on the coast. The beaches on the east coast are stunning but I think my favourite swimming place was Fraser Island, the lakes are absolutely stunning and I'd never seen water that clear and blue. It was great seeing and experiencing all the typical aussie things like seeing koalas and kangaroos for the first time! I was really disappointed I never saw any drop bears though ;) And seriously I didn't think it would actually be true but you guys have barbeques ALL the time!! I worked in brisbane for 5 months and no joking I think a weekend didn't go by where I wasn't asked to a bbq!!!

    The australian people are lovely but I'd have to say that because my boyfriend is an aussie! But really I think australians and irish get on quite well and we have a similar sense of humour so that always helps. I find australians in general a very positive people, I don't know if that is because of the good weather or what, but I find the people really live and enjoy life to the max. I love some of your expressions and sayings by the way, like 'old mate' and 'flamming mongrels' and even though alot of aussies deny it you guys DO say 'mate' all the time!!! But I got my fair share of teasing for my expressions so 'no worries'!!!

  4. I believe the USA relates to the Aussies as both nations were formed from Englands 'throw away people'.  They are seen as sophisticated and fun loving.  

    The ONLY real negative I've heard is that the men are terrible chauvenists! And that I heard from a gal who was married to one. (BTW, she worked 2 jobs and he was unemployed, so I don't know if he is a good representative sample of the population)

  5. I think most people in the US have visions of Steve Irwin or Crocodile Dundee when they envision Australia.  Don't all Aussie's wrestle crocs and carry around Koala bears? =)

    Personally, I've seen enough of the Aussie financial professionals on Bloomberg T.V. to realize that there are some very intelligent business people in Australia.  The metro areas seem very much like anywhere in the world, but I think the country and suburbs might be a bit more interesting.

    Somehow I've gotten the impression that Aussie's like to party and take life with a more relaxed attitude than we in the U.S.

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