
What do people go to France to study?

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  1. Art, Fashion, Business, Foriegn Relations, History, French, Perfume, just about anything you can think of, I for one will be going there to study International Business.

  2. Since Paris houses one the world's largest collections of art, many students and professionals travel to France who are in the art history field, both for dissertations as well as professional publications.

  3. the French language

  4. art?

  5. INSEAD - major world school for international business in Fontainebleau - very expensive

  6. Because France is a country known for its art, history, fashion, and its beautiful language.

    I hope to be able to study in France for college. I'm applying to American University of Paris soon, and I hope to major in Art History and French Studies with a minor in Cities: Architecture and Urban Culture.

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