
What do people have against red heads??

by  |  earlier

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I browse the internet A LOT and as a red head myself I find it offensive when people bash red heads. Like, people call us names and make fun of us and at school red heads like me get called Ron Weasley and stuff. But on the other hand, I get a load of compliments about my hair because of the color but what does everyone else have against them?

Why so much hatred??

Are they just an easy target to make fun of? :/




  1. My 32 year old son has red hair, it makes him special to me.

    He was laughed at the moment he was born by his Hawaiian nurses in the hospital on Maui. I wanted to punch them out but not a good time for me to fight.

    It has made him a tougher more self reliant person. He has always had to stand up for himself.

    All of his Asian girlfriends find his hair one of his best features.

  2. Dw, don't let it affect you. seriously, don't worry. If someone pisses you off, just punch them hard, if you can't punch then think of a comeback.

  3. I think red heads are cool ! Do not pay attention to anyone that calls you names ....they are just insensitive and rude. I'm sure you could find plenty to return the insults but you are too much of a fine gentleman to do so ! Lots of people use hair color to get red hair !  

  4. i dont have anything against redheads

  5. AEEEE!  A Ginger Ninja.... on-line, lordy say it ain't so!!! Dude, everyone gets ragged over different things, I've got a big nose, I've gotten over it!  Just keep your sense of humour!

    Here in South Africa, we've got a really cool radio DJ whose been making tongue-in-cheek jokes about gingers to prove how stupid racism of the guys in the studio is ginger, and everyone has a good laugh about it...

    Here we have a policy called Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) which basically means that if you have two candidates for a job, both with equal qualifications, the black person will get the this guy phones in to the radio and said hes a red head, and hes started his own policy called Ginger Economic Empowerment (GEE) - and gee means Give in Afrikaans, so it was pretty funny!

    (but now that I've had to explain this country specific joke, i guess it's not so had to be there.

  6. Welcome to the world.  People have a tendency to make fun of anybody different than themselves, especially when they're still school aged and holding on to the belief that different colored hair makes you somehow different as a person.

    Also, many people at school age feel the need to mock other people in order to hide their own shortcomings.  Don't let it phase you.  Just come back with a blond joke if they're blond, or better yet say something funny about yourself and beat them to the punch.  If you steal their thunder, they won't find it fun to make fun of you.

  7. People just like to make other people feel down, gives them some sort of satisfaction. Its just cos red hair is the most un-common hair colour of them all so people find it 'different' therefore granting it as some sort of excuse to make fun of it.

    Personally myself i think its a great hair colour, i used to want to dye it that colour, so dont be put down by it, be proud because theres loads of people out there who would love to have that colour hair.

  8. I don't have anything against them

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