
What do people in third world countries eat?

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Please answer sensibly.Thanks so much :)




  1. Amazing food that's for sure!

  2. Bananas and rice and beans.

  3. answer number two was dead on.

  4. I would imagine that their staple diet consists of the local produce and donations from outside organizations.  That's if they get anything at all to eat.  :(

  5. a lot healthier then you and I believe it or not.

    they may not eat as diverse of a diet because they are often limited by seasons and money, but they're not eating mcdonald's either ... and btw, the term third world country doesnt exist in usage anymore ...

  6. Check this out to see what people in different countries eat every week ;)

  7. Anything available. Actually, depending on the country, they eat the same things we do on a day to day basis, just less of it. In most third world countries there is less meat available, and a larger percentage of the daily intake comes from rice, wheat and other grains.  

  8. Diet varies according to climate and access to arable land.  Traditional societies grow their own survival subsistence.  Indigenous foods and staples comprise respective geographic diets.  

    Rices, Yams, chicken, fish, melons, other fruits, and vegetables are some of the variety of global food stuffs.

  9. Food of course.

    A variety of food.

    Third world only means they are not:




    But are on Agriculture as an economy doesnt mean they all starving now the whole they all starving thing is a lie the media does to get pocket money from idiots giving £2 a month to something they cant even see.

    They eat food most probly from their agriculture fruit vegg etc hardly any fast food sadly  

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