
What do people mean by the "RATED PG" Era of Wrestling?

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Thats why they say Poopy!?! WWE is gonna suck like this!




  1. it means they changed from pg 14 to pg cuz little kids watch it now. fortunately tna is tv 14 and tna is alot better wrestling wise. they arent told to not say certain words there is more blood more hardcore wrestling lot better  

  2. Wrestling used to be rated "Y-14" or what most movies would be rated as "PG13" meaning that there was blood, and some bad language.  Some associations of parents of America have banded together to get the WWE to take away everything that would cause it to stay that way...

    Basically, instead of sheilding their own children from doing what they don't want them to do, they're blaming it on the programs themselves.  And now have ruined the shows for everyone else, because their 9 year old didn't know that you shouldn't do this stuff at home and hit a piledriver on their younger brother...

    Really...  Parents are freakin' stupid sometimes.  It's the same thing as enforcing censored versions of rap albums.  Why?  Because parents don't want to hear the cuss words...  but they'll let their kid listen to them talking about pimping their ex-girlfriend as a hooker and getting into gang wars in the middle of the suburbs.

    The funniest part of this is that in the Eastern Standard Time region, Raw starts at 9PM, and goes until 11:05PM.  Do you really think that's a time frame that children of that age should be watching TV?  Let alone violent TV?

    Parents are morons.  And therefore we have to suffer from their stupidity.

    It's why Jerry Lawler isn't allowed to make comments about women's "puppies" anymore.  It's why all the bloody scenes from PPVs are shown in black and white when they're recapped on Raw.

    But in the end, this isn't actually the REASON why it's called the "PG Era."  The thing about it is this...  Raw and Smackdown used to be all about crude humor and violence...  and now we have a family-friendly superhero of sorts in "THE JOHN CENA SHOW!" on Monday nights.  The fact that every character has been dumbed down so it's not offensive in any sort of way has been the reason why the "Attitude Era" (an era of swears being bleeped, b***s being blurred, and racial stereotypes) has led into the "PG Era" (Johncenaland.)

    But as much as people want to jump the gun and say that the Attitude Era was so much better than the PG Era, they have to think about it like this...  the only real difference between now and then was that back then they were allowed to push the envelope in how offensive they could be.  That didn't necessarily make the stories better...  in fact, a lot of them were just the same as they are now.  Weddings being ruined.  People fighting for no reason.  Underdogs getting beaten down.

    It's all the same.  Just with less cusswords.

  3. I have no idea its gonna completely suck ***. some people are saying that WWE is just saying there making it PG then there gonna go full on violence again. but thats not gonna happen none of the WWE writers are that all it means is less blood less wrestling less action. more talking more cena and more kids.

  4. WWE has turned their programming PG, so their more family oriented.  

  5. There should be but the kids are the one who made WWE more money because of the merchandising and they are usually the ones who sits on the front row.

  6. Raw smackdown and ecdub are now rated pg

    and raw now ends at 10 instead of 10:08

  7. During wwf attitude era many people sue wwf cuz of sexuality and brutuality and many kids watching it.Many people also sue wwe/f cuz of incredibly huge stunts like how foley fall twice and even the first one was planned it was also very dangerous and another example is the death of owen hart,owen's wife sued wwf.And many parents complain about wwe/f for many small kids watching it.The reason y its pg since vince wants kids to watch wrestling and after the austism support in which a child lost austism for wwe and his mom said i love wwe and also it can help more money and can be popular and it would also be weird if a kid watching a pg-14 movie then vince quickly change it.

    I don't really like the idea but its really time for kids to watch wwe and the pg-14 to move but im really sure that in years it would change back again since tna is really developing and after it has many good wrestlers,bigger money,ratings and arena then wwe would do something

  8. cause wwe is going pg

  9. WWE has decided to go with a more family friendly approach so they have changed all the programming to PG. Which means there's going to be hardly any profanity or blood.

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