
What do people mean when the say messages/requests are "backed up" on myspace?

by  |  earlier

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like i see people saying like my requests are backed up or messages are backed up.what does that mean?




  1. It can mean two things.

    1.That somewhere there is a digital copy of the message/requests.  Should your copy of the message/request be lost (by deleting, server crash, or disaster) there is a backup copy available to replace it.

    2. That your messages are "back logged". Basically that you have so many un-addressed messages/request that you have exceeded the amount of allowed by MySpace. In this case you probably won't receive new messages/requests until you remove some of the existing ones.

  2. i think it means that its full?  i dont really no

    can u answer my question now?;...

  3. too many requests or mesages sounds like.  

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