
What do people mean when they "feel insecure?"?

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I equate security with safety or protection. Do this person mean they feel vulnerable to attack if they insecurities?




  1. That people could change their minds and the relationship is neither important, priority nor permanent.

    That a person is lacking in self confident because of lack of success or lack of improvements.

    That something bad could happen - abrupt change could render a completely different scene / condition.

    It is the fear of change whether justified or not.

  2. It usually means that they do not feel comfortable with their appearance.  They are constantly stressed over what other people think about their appearance and usually not happy with the way they look.  

  3. Phobia in one word. Sometimes it's real, most of the times unreal.

  4. that they probably have had a rough upbringing....and they're very sensitive...and yes, vulnerable...

  5. It means that their world is about to topple...anytime soon...which may or may not actually happen...

  6. It rarely has anything to do with their feeling unsafe in the way you use the term. I can mean several things, but for most they use the term when they feel they do not measure up to what they believe they should be in some way. It could be appearance, but usually is more global than just appearance. They may feel that they don't measure up in intelligence, actions, ability, etc. They may have chronic low self esteem or it could be a temporary transitory feeling. None the less, in some way they feel less than others around them. There is always negative self judgment involved.


  7. The meaning of insecurity is simply a paranoia of comparing yourself to others. Hence you will feel small. The reason for it is lack fo confidence and love to oneself. The only cure for this is to add more confidence to yourself.

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