
What do people mean when they say dont overdo ure exercise?

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im 13 years old and workout alot. like everyday but not to long. When peopel say dont overdo it wat does that mean eexactly? and how do i know if i over do a workout ?




  1. What they mean is over-exerting yourself to the point where you're not resting enough to let your muscles heal.

    So make sure you're not working the same body parts too often and giving them time to rest.

    As long as you keep that in mind, you can go to the gym everyday and not overdo it.

  2. basically it means don't push your body to extreme limits because there is only so much it can cope with, exercise is very good but some people start to take it a little too far you will get results my exercising often but if your in the gym all the time the chances are that you will dehydrate and remember if you push your self too hard it can feel like a nightmare after a while because you will feel like you should do better than the previous day.going to the gym can be relaxing just try it and you will see. hope that helps.

  3. it mean dont push your sellf too hard

  4. Essentially whe some refers to ((over doing it)) they are referring to those  _unlike you_ start to work out and have no respect for thier muscle that they are trying to quickly inflate! One has to build up the muscle and allow the lactic acid to be removed slowly. That acid cause;s the natorious 'burn or hurt' the next day!

    Everyone shoudl read this and use uself as a role model!

    A little at a time,.. good YOU !!

  5. your gonna die


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