
What do people mean when they tell you to loosen up or lighten up?

by Guest33336  |  earlier

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What do people mean when they tell you to loosen up or lighten up?




  1. It mean relax , chill out, and quit worry too much.

  2. chill

    stop worrying

    live and let live

    Just stop thinking and analyzing so much - enjoy life

    (wish I could take that advice!)

  3. they mean something along the lines of  "stop worrying so much"

  4. When People Say That They Mean You Should Get Into A Loose, Light, Happy Mood! People Day That To Grupy People, Or Just Unfun, Serious People!

  5. It means that you are uptight or wound up about something.  For example I have dinner parties that stress me out and my husband tells me to lighten up.  He just means that I over think everything and no one will care if it's perfect and I don't need to get so worried about my house being spotless, or the food tasting just perfect.  Or like road rage makes you uptight; so get over it and don't let it control your life.

  6. Well basically it means to relax.  It could also mean be open minded and not so hard headed.  Usually it goes along with the line "You only live once"!

  7. they mean to either calm down a bit or just have some fun

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