
What do people normally think of a seaman as?

by Guest60246  |  earlier

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nature, character, field




  1. dude on a boat

  2. a squirty bit of mayonainse usally seen across the face of some poor bint who been paid some money to perform the act of the chickenhead.

  3. hey hey hey I resent the coment by Rosildino I do not recieve seaman on my face. Chicken heads Unite!

  4. seaman as salty

  5. There I was, off the coast of Bimini. The big behemoth was putting up not a little fight, I tell thee. Arr, matey. How did the great Lock Nessy get here on the end of my bamboo?

  6. they ride around in something long and hard

  7. He stands on a ship overlooking a quay and smokes his pipe.

  8. Guys on a submarine.

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