
What do people obsess about that should never have been invented?

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What do people obsess about that should never have been invented?




  1. haha i couldnt agree more with danny

  2. Yahoo Answers?

  3. Alcohol, Look at all the deadly accidents caused by this product. and all the unwanted births.

  4. There are many things: Paris Hilton, Beauty Pagents, Rosie O'Donell, and texting too.

  5. Deadlines.

  6. Television -- specifically, American Idol.

  7. i agree with the first

  8. 1.  Some computer activities.  This site for one (blogs, my space etc. ...   some computer games )

    2.   It has it's good side but there is a point where it is unhealthy for one reason or another.  

    3.   The Hummer and other gas guzzlers.  

    4.   Rap & heavy metal-type music.

    5.   Politics

    6.   Grades.  (people should just be interested in learning.)

    7.    Organized religion

    8.     Leaf blowers

    9.     p**n

    10.    Weapons like bombs, guns, fire throwers etc.

    11.     Girdles

  9. mobile phones..........

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