
What do people outside Louisville think of the Kentucky Derby?

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I grew up in Kentucky and now live in Louisville and I LOVE the Derby, but what do others think of it?




  1. The Derby is your big party and festival each spring- but though I watch the race on TV, I would not consider going to Churchill unless I could avoid the infield. There are a couple of other people who have answered who feel much as I do- that some of us are really turned off by all the drinking, drug use, and lewd behavior that goes on in the infield year after year. The track management has supposedly banned alcoholic beverages from the infield, but people bring them in anyway- and it is easy for them to conceal alcohol in other containers and sneak it past the guards. Plus, mint juleps, a tradition there, are made with bourbon- which is hard liquor, not like beer or wine. They sell the juleps to anyone who wants one- and as I understand it, the buyers are only rarely checked for proper ID's.  Churchill is famous for this nonsense, and it has gained the unfortunate reputation of being the only major track in the country that allows this kind of thing to go on. The infields at most of the other major tracks are CLOSED to the public most of the time, with good reason. Pimlico is an exception because their paddock is located in the infield- but even there, that fact alone prevents the kind of nonsense that happens at Churchill.  If I could avoid the infield, I would go to the Derby some year. It might actually be fun.

  2. I have lived in Louisville all my life and never have been to the Derby and prob never will go.  It is better to watch on TV, then go to the races that day unless you have some good seats.  To much c**p goes on in the infield and I don't want to get caught in that mess.  The Derby is good for Louisville's economy.  I watch the Derby every year and prob will be in labor with my 3rd child about that time (currently 39 weeks), so I am placing my bet on #3.

  3. As a horse lover and previous rider, I am not a huge fan of the Derby. I realize that tons of people love it, and I'm not against them. Personally though, I don't like the idea of horses being pushed to those high limits, especially with such a large injury rate.

    But that's just me.

  4. I live in Maine and I grew up watching it with my mother.I absolutely love it! I got tickets and I have gone twice.It was fun,but you can see more on tv.I will always love the Kentucky Derby.

  5. I love horses, so I always watch the Triple Crown races. You are so lucky to be able to live right near there!

  6. I think its cool -- I want to go and wear a BIG HAT!

  7. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and the Kentucky Derby is well known but really is not interesting.  There is most likely something else on Television that would demands attention such as Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix Suns, and the Arizona Cardinals.

  8. The greatest most thrilling 2 minutes in sports!

  9. i'm not really sure. it's okay. i sometimes watch horse races on tv with my dad. i'm just not a big horse lover.

  10. I have been and will never go again.  Too many people there just to be seen, and not many that really know racing.  The place was filthy.  I never liked the Derby to begin with.  Too many horses, and half do not really belong.  Give me the Belmont any day.

  11. I love watching it and I love trucking through The Blue Grass State,It is a beautiful part of Our beautiful country. There is alot of history and Great horses behind the Derby! Take care~


    I also used to come to Louisville and watch the 1/2 mile dirt track motorcycle races.Back in the day!

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