
What do people really think about single teenage mothers?

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What do people really think about single teenage mothers?




  1. Most people look at them at think 'how irresponsable' I appreciate that they are trying though.

  2. well i think the older generation kind of looks down on them. one time i was with my dad to go drop something off for my brother at a birthday party when the mom of the kid whose birthday it was was like kind of looking at me really awkward and i go to school with her daughter!! so i turned to her and i said , so how's Savannah? and she goes i'm sorry i know  you. i told her yeah i go to school with your daughter and she goes oh it's Sarah right? and i was all like yeah and then she said, o i thought you were Jacob's mom. i was like uh no. but the whole time she hought i was a teen mom and she was giving me really weird looks. so i honestly believe that people look down on the teenager mothers of today.

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