
What do people really think of limerick being called stab city??

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i dont agree with this at all, just wondering what everyone else thinks xx




  1. i'm from limerick and thats all people say to me when i tell them thats...

    i'm very proud of my city and its just a few crappy estates that scumbags live in that tarnish the whole city

  2. Waterford isnt far behind is gone mental ( it will still never be as bad as Limerick though!)

  3. Because it is famous for the stabbings and known throughout

    Ireland and the world , and with due respect to  the Guards they cant handle it

  4. i think it sounds very dangerous from what i hear on the news but i dont live there so i dunno =) i heard sum1 was shot there a couple of weeks ago tho =O

  5. never heard about it

  6. Ask the people who were stabbed because they got the point.

  7. I was in Limerick in December, and truly was a little nervous given its notorious nickname.  Once there, I never felt in danger though.  The city was beautiful, and the people were friendly.  I felt much safer there than at home honestly.

  8. Its complete rubbish worse  things are happening daily in other cities like cork or dublin but its not reported on nearly as much then if it happened in limerick

    I know that as a city we do have problems with crime but compared to Dublin it is alot less

    I found this on a site about Ireland

    The most dangerous spots,based on headline crimes per 1,000 of populace, are in Dublin's inner city.

    Dublin - North Central - 124.00

    Dublin - South Central - 97.49

    After this, the trouble spots in Dublin fall off hugely.

    Dublin - Eastern - 23.84

    Dublin - Southern - 23.80

    Dublin - Western - 23.22

    Dublin - Northern - 19.64

    Cork City comes next at 20.93, then Waterford/Kilkenny at 20.05. Surprisingly, considering Limerick's poor reputation as "Stab City" for a few, high profile gang feuds, Limerick scores well at 16.75.

    The rest of the nation came in somewhere in the low teens, between Cork North's 10.09 and Carlow/Kildare's 18.23.

    In short, don't live in central Dublin and your chances of being a victim of a "headline" crime are generally below 2% in Ireland.

    So its a load of c**p

  9. I've never been but I know it's great for shopping and it's not as bad as everybody makes it out to be! I mean ALL cities have bad areas but likewise they ALL have good areas!

  10. It seems a shame that a place has such a bad label.  Makes me glad I am not visiting there.

  11. We have to blame the media, they sensationalise the problems in Limerick and as a result we the little people make up our own minds based on the media's perspective. I personally know people in Limerick and think they are wonderful people, its just the bad minority of thugs that make life difficult for the genuine people. But always remember there is always somewhere worse than were you are.

  12. because everybody gets stabbed there?

    we have a place in england called nottingham where everybody gets shot, so they officially renamed it shottingham.

    or so i hear

  13. I hate to say it, but I do agree with it.

    Limerick is worse than Dublin in a lot of cases.

    I know, I'm going to get loads of thumbs down, but that's just my opinion.

    = )

  14. Oh, I know it's a misnomer .... I live in County Limerick and regularly go out in the city. Most of the things I go to are related to the arts, because Limerick city is a hotbed of the arts. But hey, if the reputation of being dangerous keeps the gobshites out, who are we to complain?

  15. I'm from Dublin and I reckon there are more stabbings up here but the name just seems to have stuck with Limerick. It's stupid, well I think it is. Most of the people in Limerick would be law abiding, the same as anywhere else. It's all the media's fault, granted there are stabbings there but it's totally unfair giving it a name like that. I was only in Limerick twice and each time I had a good time on both occasions. I think the media should take a look at some of the more positive things coming out of Limerick for a change, but that wouldn't sell papers so I doubt if they will.



  16. I don't agree with it,people are actually put off going to uni there for that reason it's ridiculous! I think there's like one rough estate but if you think about Dublin and all the other cities recently,nowhere's really safe

  17. i think its a bit unfair, people get stabbed in all parts of ireland its not just in limerick. every county in ireland has its not so good area but limerick's problems are directly in the media and thats why.

  18. Im from clare and have alway known limerick as stab city, although nowadays they have guns and there is a lot of violence in certain areas and you wouldnt wanna drive into those areas at night, if you look at the news and papers , something bad happens almost every weekend if not everyday, but then again all cities have the same problem. Limerick has the highest stab rating of all places in ireland though, for its size

  19. Its rediculous they still call it stab city,

    as knives are long forgotten and they are shooting people now

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