
What do people stereotype you as??

by  |  earlier

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i get stereotyped as the typical pretty, dumb girl... but in actuality i play video games and read books!!




  1. An emo cuz of my hair covering my eyes , l will poke people to cheer them up and l barely have emotions . l am made of stone , rock and some large pebbles .

  2. LOL! I'm just like you...but I have a lot of steriotypes

    I'm secretly not black..."looks at arm"...yea ok

    I act "white"

    I'm upidy

    I'm I'm not...

    They think my hair isnt real because it's long...D:!!!

    But I'm actually a hardcore gamer, i love superheros and i find iron man of all people the hottest guy ever...see i didnt say Brad Pitt.

    I love to read

    I'm black/Westindian/Native American

    Now you see why my hair is long...I have black hair but when I relaxed it it's now back length.

  3. cool crazy fun  

  4. spunky Christian..

  5. As an out going fun loving person

  6. Who knows. It's alot of ignorant people in this world, so I really don't care because I know it's not true, whatever it may be.

  7. Other black ppl say I act like a ditzy blonde.  

  8. That's good. You sound like a rounded out person. The only thing we can do about people and their retarded stereo-types is to prove them wrong. ^_^

    I'm not sure what my stereotype is. Probably a drugee. Which really isn't true at all...but hey. People can think what they want. I know who and what I am, so s***w 'em!

  9. Me....Well I'm a crazy beer swigging trouble casuing alcoholic, hairy, narrow minded, can't get a Girlfriend because i have Red hair, Scotsman...

  10. shy.. i agree i am shy but not as much as people think!  

  11. in person: shy and different

    online: open and opinionated

    and I'm right in the middle in all honesty I can be all depending on the situation

  12. Years ago,

    A drunken junkie no ho-per!

    Now, Stuck up! Ha, that's a laugh.

    Just because I made it where I am today on my own,

    and Have more than any of them!

    And do you know what Poppet,

    I am so Proud of me!

  13. a hippie.

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