
What do people think abouit BNP?

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i think the group is revolting... im all for freedom of speech and everything but some of their views are disgusting




  1. I suppose that the party has a right to exist but I hope that they never gain sufficient power to affect the rights of minority sections of the community.

  2. They have some support because they tell some people what they want to hear. They cannot deliver as a political party for the reasons u point out.

    p.s. Priyanka - still free advertising I see!!!

  3. I try not to.

  4. Hard to say, because we only ever hear about them by proxy. The proxy being the 'left', who are every bit as bad, because they are a threat to our democracy, and the country itself. Still, I can see from most of the other answers, that the 'lefts' propaganda machine is working well. Well done to the BBC, the Government, educationalists etc.

  5. i think they will only get stronger as the country hits recession and the jobless numbers go up

  6. The BNP have a growing support amongst the disaffected British public. However, their organisation is in disarray due to it's leaderships past links with the National front.

    Every single one of the main stream parties are contributing to the appeal of the BNP by their lack of common sense. The success of the BNP will depend on their ability to oust the likes of Griffin and replace them with strong and sensible leaders.

    If  and when that happens, then the main stream parties and the liberal do gooders had better watch out, the population of this country will flock to this re-vamped BNP and fix the wrongs which have been commited against this country over the past decades.

  7. I really try not to think about them.Thinking about racists isn't fun.

  8. they are starting to get a lot of support cause of the people coming over and grabing benefits and housing and how they are affended all the time

  9. Could not say here what I think of them.

  10. They are no better or worse than any of the other nutters that want to control us!

  11. They act as a balance of extremes

  12. they are scum their supporters are poorly educated

    they have tried to get into a very poor working class area in my town.  thats because these people are not educated enough to know its not Jonny Foreigners  fault they are poor and thick

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