
What do people think about Estate Agents?

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I have been considering moving, but to be quite honest, the more dealings I have with Estate Agents, the less I feel like moving.

An awful lot of them seem to be bullies and appear very uncaring. What do you all think about Estate Agents?




  1. The same as you.

    Roll on fully web-based estate agency...

  2. They are reptiles.

  3. What do call a room full of estate agents up to their necks in sand?

    Not enough sand.

  4. Scum of the earth.....

    They do NOTHING, but take your money....

    Scam and monopoly of the MLS system...

  5. I hate them.

    You're right a lot of them seem to just want to take your money & couldn't give a d**n about peoples situations.

    I won't be selling my home through an agent, i'll be doing it by myself & if i find myself renting i will do it privately.

  6. A necessary evil...

  7. Someone once told me that Estate Agents are: ''failed public school boys''.  On reflection, they were correct. They have the voice, the clothes, the manners......but they also have the lack of morals that got them into this job in the first place.

    Their soul job is to get your money, (for a property that has feelings and emotions towards you) and then sell it to another party. I gaurantee you, the SECOND you are out of the picture - you mean nothing to them.

    Estate agents are professional liars and practice in the art of 'bullshit', for lack of a better word....

    We were bullied into lowering the price (to give them a quick sale). We did this (reluctantly) and waited. As months past we were told basically we were going to be taken off their property list as they had tired of showing people around, and it was getting too costly for them!  

    On the eve of the estate agent telling me that my price for the property was urealistic and we should drop it by £40,000..or else.....then we get 3 offers in one week.

    Now if we 'had' dropped the price, yes we would have sold it sooner, but we'd also be £40,000 worse off. That's a lot of money wasted, but it's not THEIR money.

    Tread very carefully, trust no one, and accept the fact that the less they sell your house for (they WILL talk you into it), then the quicker then can fund their next BMW.

    All estate agents are liars, and there are next to no legal powers out there to stop them ripping you off.

    Good luck, and trust your own judgement, not theirs.

  8. They seem to be the one group of parasites that benefit from rising house prices.

  9. well I'm not getting banned off here.[no comment]

  10. Get yourself 2 estate agents and watch them bend over backwards to out do each other, better still cut out the middleman and sell it yourself, just get a good property lawyer and visit one of those sell it yourself sites

  11. They are the agents of inflation, pushing house prices up to improve their commission. Wouldn`t trust one as far as I could throw him.

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