
What do people think about Outback Steakhouse, seriously?

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I'm Australian and I lived in Brasil for a year where I discovered this place. I basically thought it was pretty ridiculous. Do Americans actually think that its typically Australian? I kind of felt like nothing was remotely Australian and if it was it's just so dated and exaggerated. The worst was on the site where they compare the croûtons to Indigenous Austraians language ! Just curious to know what Americans or Australians who've heard of it think about?




  1. I've only been there once,and did'nt think it was supposed to be a previous poster said,we Americanize everything and it is just expected...but I was looking for something a little different.It was a pretty typical steakhouse in my opinion,but I enjoyed the food and the service was good...and now I'm hungry ☺

  2. Just a marketing ploy...banking on American fascination with other countries...

    Look at the cheesy names of their food

  3. Myself, I'm very happy to eat there! Never been to Australia, don't know the difference. It's a great fast food,gormet kind of place to pretend that your out of the country. The service is awsome! I get the Prime Rib,rare! Alsow the greatest Ceaser salad in the world!!!!!!!

  4. I never put much thought into it, but I wouldnt think of it supposing to be authentic Australian food.

    I am just not crazy about it as a resturant either, if I could choose between any other resturant and that one to go to 9 times out of 10 I would choose another resturant.

  5. Well, I've never been to Australia so I don't really have a point of reference. But I have been to outback steakhouse and I would never go again. My food was was others who ate with me. Our service was also horrible and it took like an hour to get our food after waiting like 45 min to get a seat.  I didn't think that much on the menu was anything was special just American food with a different name to make it sound Australian. I was very disappointed.

  6. I try to think of it as an Australian-themed steakhouse. I don't think that its a good restaurant by any means. But to me it's like going to a 50's themed burger place, just a different take on another theme. I actually have been to a restaurant that IS authentic Australian food here in the States, in Newark DE called Matilda's. It was amazing! Far beyond the quality I've ever seen at Outback.

  7. No I dont think anyone thinks it is Australian. Just like P.F. Changs isnt really Chinese. Whatever gets people to come in and try your place out. Or when I was in Ireland and ate the American Burger.

    Just like we dont think Fosters is Australian for beer. (its horrible by the way. Thanks for pawning it off on us.) Or Killians Irish Red is even Irish. It isnt, but at least it is better than the Fosters.


  8. Wow I am actually glad to hear this. I have been once and would not return. I thought the food was gross and was not impressed.

  9. I would have to agree with gesab1. I strongly believe this restaurant chain was not intended to offer authentic Aussie food...or even an Aussie experience. I think it was a simple  marketing gimmic intended to create interest in just another steakhouse chain.

  10. Just as a note, we Americans "Americanize" everything, so don't go to an American restaurant and think you'll get something authentic.

    Honestly, I think Outback isn't that great. Their bread sucks (it's white bread with brown coloring) and their other food is decent.

  11. It's just another steakhouse with an Australian theme. Nothing about the food is supposed to be Australian.'s not white bread with brown coloring...that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. It's honey wheat bread

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