
What do people think about india?

by Guest62885  |  earlier

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What do people think about india?




  1. It would depend on who you ask. Personally, I feel the idea of matching couples by caste is rather backwards.

  2. People think that India is a magnificent place to be but there are a lot of natural disaster like the tsunami

  3. Many people have asked this question...

    Here are the links to those answers. (what people think about India, etc.);...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...

    I can go on with the list, but I don't get it, why don't people search the question first to see if others have asked the similar question and then ask the question.

    this question has been asked so many times by so many people.

    Go experience India and it's culture, heritage, people for yourself, because you can not agree with what others say because everyone has their own experience.


  5. India is the best! It was 6 yrs when went to India soo I visited it in the summer and I had the best time ever!! The beaches are sooooooo BEAUTIFUL!! If you ever go to India, go to the marina beach. Wish I lived in that beach!! Also, there many beautiful tourist attractions like Agra, Taj Mahal, etc.

    I loved the autos and rickshaws lol soo much fun riding them!!

    Best of all, the camel rides on the beach.

  6. this is the 100th time this question is asked here.

    Why you have so much inferiority complex !!

  7. India is wonderful.  It is the most fantastic place I have ever visited.  I've been to 55 countries and India is the most diverse and exotic.  The people are very smart and hard working.  As India modernizes, it will lose it's color and flavor.  I want to go back before it changes much more.

    Indian people are very sociable and not very well understood.  Spend some time with Indians and you will see how clever they really are.

  8. I think they have great food and the people that I have know from there have been very nice and like family.

  9. They, our girl s in India, are faithful, devoted to our parents, including brothers, sisters, children and off-course, her 'husband', only, a lone one...

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