
What do people think about other dimensions and relativity they have to paranormal phenomenon?

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What do people think about other dimensions and relativity they have to paranormal phenomenon?




  1. Firm believer on other dimentions.  Seen spirits as well then found out years later that there used to be a hospital there where many had died from some sort of disease.   I sometimes wonder if they who are in other dimentions can see us like we do them. I believe that everyone has the ability to see them if they choose to, but our brains are so busy with other things that we don't take the time to realize that it is there for us to fully see. If this makes sense to you. LOL  

  2. i think ther are plains or dimesions becuse we walk on may different roads in life so the alternative plain the ghost plain such astral plain are thery possiable but other than that i dont know we know heven and h**l are real are at least some of us by the many visions pepole have had of them so other plains such as astral check into spirit phone created by alaxander gram bell i think if we figure out what let pepole see future and let peole see past if we find the right wave link and what in brain and duplicate into machine cappable  we might have are anwser but to understand the past and mytholigys play a big role too such as mirrior ther said to be a gateway add herb known as gatway marijuana peple have seen demons

  3. LOL, the greatest answer to skeptics is exactly this. People try to limit everything in life according to mans pea brain knowledge. If it doesn't fit into theory then it cant be real. Well, scientist were saying the same thing about the technology we have today 50 years ago. Supernatural events happen outside of human reason and understanding. This boggles the mind of the skeptic as their only defense is that your either on drugs or your mind allowed you to see something that wasnt really there. Look at it like this if indeed spirits do exist then saying that they are bound by no laws of time automatically puts them into a dimension beyond human understanding. This is why people cannot comprehend eternity even though science proves that our genetic design is constructed for eternal life. Strange, but very true. I guess what I am saying ads validity to your question.

  4. What do I think?

    Ummm...  I think "ghosts" or spirits dwell in the Astral realm and can somehow manifest to this physical realm.

    Anything else..... hmmm, to tired to think (6:10AM here)

  5. Other dimensions, relativity, and I will throw in quantum mechanics, are things that are not generally understood by the public, and even some scientists.  The mathematics are very difficult, and the conceptual aspects can go against our everyday view of the world.  Thus people who don't understand them use them as explanations for other things that are difficult to understand.  People who are trusting and don't understand believe these explanations as reliable.  When electricity was poorly understood we had stories such as Frankenstein.  When astronomy was poorly understood we had stories of dinosaurs and swamps on Venus.  This is the same thing.

    Edit: Universal Mind: I believe you are confusing science with your particular brand of mysticism.  String theory is another thing that is poorly understood by most people, and thrown out as a possible explanation for paranormal phenomena.  If you are truly interested in the subject I would recommend two books by Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos.  Dimensions have nothing to do with "levels of perception", they are basically an indepedent axis in spacetime.  A dimension is basically a direction you can travel in.  String theory does require more dimensions than the three that are readily accessable to our everyday experience, but this does NOT mean that paranormal phenomena are more credible, just because the possibility exists that extra dimensions are real.  String theory indicates that the extra dimensions would be very small, curled up on themselves.  To say that ghosts or something are more likely to exist because of these extra dimensions would be like saying unicorns are more likely to exist because there is a path in the forest they can travel.

  6. Jasius you say you have a physics degree and a minor and math, so get to the concept of the dimensions please. Dimension is shape of course, planes, level of perception. As you know 3D shape is an illusion. Many-worlds theory and string theory demand similar or anti-universe to ours. Something like one bubble in a sea of bubbles.

  7. I think that a more precise understanding of what is even exactly meant by "other dimensions" will probably help to clarify quite a lot of paranormal phenomena.  

  8. well the spirit world could be considered another dimension. i believe in the spirit world.

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