
What do people think about the NEW WORLD ORDER?

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Sept. 11 2001... If you have seen the documentaries and seen the evidence you might think that the USA government, or secret societies behind the government are the real terrorists? (I suggest seeing "911 in plane sight")

It's called thesis vs anti-thesis.

They deliberately kill their own citizens to instil fear and chaos in their people. This fear allows the secret societies to take more freedoms away from all individuals and implement controlling laws.




  1. All the conspiracy theories about some rich group of secret societies never seemed to make much sense, I mean seriously? how rich do you need to be? most of these people who get linked to secret societies are already rich. They arn't James Bond villians who just want to see others suffer for no reason.

  2. It is the new World Order that is now crippling the Worlds Economies. that is what I think and believe.

    Any one that says different is a fool. and need to take a cold long look at things with out their rose coloured glasses

  3. The conspiracy theory, The Illuminati at work. They managed to put Presidents in the White House, in the Kremlin, and in UK all together they form the circle of POWER destined to world domination. Only problem is no one can control the world anymore, there are only corporations.

    Therefore, I would vote a no no for world dominators. They are widely outdated. Fear large corporations instead. Not individuals or secret societies. besides, secret societies like Masons, Illuminati, Templars, and others, work for the good of the people.

    And by the way, if any attempt was made to gain anything by deliberately bringing the WTC down, I´d say it failed, because I have not seen anyone gain anything from the terrorist attack, but exactly the opposite is true.

    History has showed in the past, that such "attacks" are followed by the obvious reason immediately afterwards. IE. The attack on US Warship on Havana, brought the Intervention of the US against Spain and in turn the Independence of Cuba, The attack on pearl Harbour brought the US to WWII, and so on and so fourth. But 9/11 is a Terrorist attack aimed at the People of the US. To shatter their confidence, their trust, and prove they are vulnerable. I believe they accomplished just that.


  4. Did you watch "Zeitgeist:The Movie?" it is 2 hrs long.

    The CFR, Bilderberg group, &/or Trilateral Commission . Bill Clinton furthered their interests by signing NAFTA . Which by the way, is not a law or a treaty, and the terms of which could be renegotiated at any time.

    In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, CFR member James Warburg said: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it --by conquest or consent.”Fred Thompson is a CFR member. Rudy Giuliani is a CFR member. Mitt Romney is a CFR member. Hillary Clinton is a CFR member. Barak Obama is a CFR member. The Council on Foreign Relations seems to dominate our government, Democrat or Republican! All of the "top tier" candidates are CFR puppets, with only one exception, RON PAUL. The CFR has been promoting one world government since the orgaization was founded in 1921.

    "In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members of the CFR, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern. (Note: We believe Kennedy became disloyal to the CFR prior to his assassination. ) The American people think that they have a choice when they vote for a President, but the truth of the matter is, with few exceptions: Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members.

    The CFR not only has its members in the United States Government, but its influence has also spead to other vital areas of American life. According to Newell: 'Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Des Moines Register, and many other important newspapers. The leaders of Time, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organization’ s members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life.'

    (My note: It is no wonder that the media calls those who call out CFR members "conspiracy theorists," given that they are themselves CFR members.)

    Barry Goldwater states in his book, 'With No Apologies', on page 231:

    'Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country without benefit of Congress? A privately owned organization, the Federal Reserve, which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!'

    and Newell continues to write: 'Not every member of the CFR is fully committed to carrying out Edward Mandell House’s conspiratorial plan. Many have been flattered by an invitation to join a study group, which is what the CFR calls itself. Others go along because of personal benefits, such as a nice job and a new importance. But all are used to promote the destruction of U.S. sovereignty. ' "

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    The Europeans were fooled into forming the EU, and the EU is trying to create its own constitution now, which would be above the laws of every formerly sovereign country. Most Europeans are against the EU creating it's own constitution, but the EU has refused to give up. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano told a news conference in Siena that "those who are anti EU are terrorists". In the US, when you are labeled a "terrorist," you are opened up to all of the tyranny that the USA PATRIOT ACT offers. You can be sure that you would see the NAU speaking the same way that President Napolitano has been speaking.

  5. I think its more of a scam than global warming and UFOs put together.

    What we can see is scary enough, we don't need to invent secret societies and other James Bondian bogeymen.

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