
What do people think of my web page - I'm going green?

by  |  earlier

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I'm working on this... any suggestions?




  1. It's snazzy, but the main burgundy colour font is a bit ugly, sorry

  2. What about a design with a little more green in it?  I'm also rather fond of fern prints, but I have no idea how to make a webpage.  Nice job!

  3. Great... need lots more people to go green. However I think your examples are not the best...... biofuel is not eco-friendly as it can use as much oil to make it as making normal petrol. The EU (and the Uk) are reviewing or pulling back from bio fuel plans.

    Bio fuel also competes with food for land usage and we have all seen the start of the global food shortage. Brazil is still chopping down forests to grow crops for bio-fuel.

    Germany has withdrawn its support for wind generators on houses as the energy used to manufacture them is greater than the energy they produce. A domestic wind turbine will make enough power to run a few lights, it will not provide a house with its electrical needs.

    Message is.. keep going on your site as we need as many people as possible going 'green'..but research your topics first.

  4. text loads fast, good, i hate waiting. something wrong with links to energy, renewable stuff and tips sections. love the bog roll!

  5. just got off your site, and i think your doing great. green works!

  6. Make sure your images show up on all of the pages. Right now the images on the left are only showing up on the "going green" page.

  7. your the stupidest person that ever lived.

    for one you belive in global warming

    and don't you know that thous fluorescent light bulbs are deadly?

    get a job, get a life

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