
What do people think of pit bulls?

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I have 2 just wondering what everyone thinks, personally i love them, be honest please




  1. I think pits can be sweet loving dogs with great tempers...if they are owned and loved by the right people.  So many people get pits because of their reputation as a fighting dog and they treat them like fighting dogs.  Its very sad and unfortunately, its not something that seems like it will change soon.

    One of my good friends has a sweet pit named Belle who romps with her kids and loves tummy rubs.  But every time someone sees her whio doesn't know her says "That dog is a time bomb.  She'll bite those kids someday."  I always feel sad because I know Belle would never hurt a fly.

    If someone wants a pit, treat it right, give it love, and never treat it like a fighting dog.  You get the dog you raise.

  2. like 1 person asks this a day,.

    some people like them some dont.

    they personally scare me. I've never owned one but all the attacks., I know any dog can attack but ya.

    I have nothing against them, they're just not for me.

    *** I believe any dog should be put down if it is at fault, but i diasagree that a dog should be put down for biting a child who was at fault.

    GREAT DANES are my favorite.

    ***My friend owns a rotweiler and he's bitten 5 people and he was brought up right since he was 8 weeks old. He is only about 2 now. ..

    ALSO i went camping the other day adn the 2 pits next to us seamed fine but they fought for a second at one point. My boyfriend went over and pet one but i didnt cuz they kept barking at my puppy

  3. Pitbulls who are raised to fight, fight.  They are the most popular dog to fight because they do the most damage.  They have jaw muscles that wrap around their head giving them a stronger bite.  We should start blaming the owner and not the dog.  

    I personally love them.  The most sweetest loving dog I know is a pitbull.

  4. I absolutely LOVE my pit, Tess. She is the sweetest thing on the face of the world, and the best dog I have ever had. Very loyal and loving. And from most of my encounters with pits, they act alike. That is if they are treated right. She is about 11 years old and is now starting signs of aging, but she tries to be just as playful as she alwasy was.

  5. the pitbull stereotype:

    dangerous, mean, un trustworthy, killer dogs.

    this, of course is just because what everyone see's/hears in the news.  You'll RARELY see a report about how pitbulls are nice pets on the news.

  6. I think they are dangerous.

  7. pitbulls on the favs but i love rottwilers more but even if pitbulls attack ppl they shouldent put them down thats just crewl.

  8. They are the most beautiful dogs in the world

    LOVE THEM!!!

  9. its not their fault but they were bred to be fighting dogs so they still have a little of that in their brains. and thats why they could turn mean on you at any time. i dont mind them i just dont like them. even if they werent bred for fighting i still wouldnt like them because i think they are ugly and i only like small lapdogs lol

  10. I really have to take each dog as a separate individual when it comes to Pitts and other Bully breeds. I have had wonderful pitts and horrible ones.

    I would have to say then it would depend on the dog.

  11. they are really good dogs... if you don't ruff house alot with them when they are puppies because the will want to do it when they get older and it will hurt like alot. LOL Also they are very protective so if there is kids i wouldn't get one. Just you or a significant other that would be a good watch dog because they will let you know if someone is there when there not suppose to be!! Good Luck!

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