
What do people think of the baby name Noah?

by Guest55927  |  earlier

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I have a son who will have the last name Godinez. I want to give him a name that sounds soft and is easy to say. I was originally going to name him Connor but I think may be too irish?




  1. I loveeeee Noah! I've been trying to convince the father to name our child that if it's a boy.. (his last name is martinez, the name we're using for the baby) but he doesn't like it! :(

    Connor is an adorable name, if your heart was set on it.. use it! It doesn't matter how it sounds :) But I realllly love Noah. Great for a baby, toddler and adult.

  2. Noah Camryn Godinez

    Blake Kyle Godinez

    Spencer Connor Godinez

    Skylar Dominic Godinez

    Connor Alex Godinez

    I love Connor and Noah.  Good choices!  Just a few suggestions.


  3. Too Irish? I defenitely don't think of Conner as Irish! I like it a lot! Noah Connor Godinez is very nice! Connor Noah Godinez sounds better, but that's just me.

    This is weird, but I love the name Noah for a girl.  I liked it before I knew that was Miley Cyrus's sisters name.

  4. I love the name Noah!

    Maybe you could use Conner as his middle name?

    Noah Conner Godinez? I like it!

  5. I like Noah much better than Connor. Noah sounds nice with Godinez as well.

  6. Noah is a wonderful's a good strong biblical name and sounds good with almost any last name.  Connor is an Irish sounding name but a good strong name none the less.  

  7. noah is an adorable name noah connor could also work!

  8. you think that connor sounds (:

    that's silly, haha. no seriously, its a nice name!

    i  like noah a lot though

  9. yeah it sounds beautiful!

  10. I like the name Noah, because he founf favor with God, and so has your son, found favor with God; maybe you could use the name Conner as his middle name, or use these:David, James, Daniel, Seth,John, how about these?

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