
What do people think of this site teaching BLACK MAGIC??

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It has like spells and ways you can summon demons. Does this stuff work?




  1. And so this Satan site is posting the supposed arcane Names of Power all over the internet. That in itself should raise a flag as to it's believability & credibility. Seems like a nice spot for people who think wearing black and acting "goth" are the main elements of the Craft. Read it, get a few laughs, and forget about it. It's sensationalism at it's best (or worst).

  2. Seems like a well laid out page. I believe there is more than one path to travel, if you feel its for you then travel safely biut dont play with any religion. Its your soul and mind so only commit if you truly believe.

    Note: I looked through the page and its just clips put in from other web pages no harm. Its a well laid out page and there isnt anything being sold so I really think its just shock value no new info there.

  3. i don't know..but i don't think you should try and figure that out..

  4. From personal experience, spells do work, however that website is complete c**p.Any person who practices magic, seriously, someone who doesn't do it for fun and games, they realize there are consequences for everything you do and magic is no exception.Summoning demons, doing spells to harm other people , it is going to come back t you a lot worse then what you did to the person.Best I can say is that this person just made this site to act out against whatever it is they have going on in their lives.

  5. I honestly belive in the  exsistance of evil, you see it everyday. However I cannot tell you if these spells and demon summoning work, anything is posssible. But please remember that anyone who welcomes evil in, is not good, and does not have good intentions.

    Magic comes in many different forms, after all it is an energy, a tool if you will. A hammer is not good or bad but it can be used to hammer a nail in to a wall or it can be used to bludgeon someone to death. It is all in your hands.

    So overall magic is not evil, but what you do with it can therefor be good or evil. Please stay away from Demons!!!

    If you are interested in magic, email me, and I can send you some good url's.

    I just went back and looked at the site, it honestly looks....evil.

    If you hand people spells and ****, it is basically like handing someone a loaded gun and not telling them what it is, what it does, or taking them to the shooting range and showing them how to use it. Just giving someone the gun, and people who would post this on their site obviously does not care about consaqenses. Real-or not.

  6. I doubt demon-summoning works, or I think we'd see a lot more reports of them wreaking havoc in the news. The only evidence I've ever seen of human satanists' "powers" are their powers to upset some people.

    From a (Christian, and therefor Satanic ) religious standpoint, trying to worship Satan, cast spells of black magic, and summon demons, whether it produces visible results or not, does make you a worshipper of Satan. You follow?

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