
What do people who are "going out" do?

by  |  earlier

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Okay,so this guy I like asked me out today. I said yes(obviously). The problem is I've never gone out with anyone before.....AND I DON'T KNOW HOW IT WORKS!! I need some rules, basic guidelines, anything! Help!




  1. Its like being friends but more. He will be your boyfriend but in time become your best friend because you can trust him so much. Hang out with each other. Go grab sunthin to eat and sit down n get to know each other even more. Most of all though have as much fun as you can together so that things wont get boring. Maybe see a movie. That's a start.

  2. they pretty much fool around with each other.... it starts out with dinners and movies, but then it moves on to making out and touching each other.

  3. it basickly means that you 2 like each other and are dating.

  4. pizza movie, then movies at home, scary ones so he hold you close. then eventuall to the bedroom but not for several months

  5. Well, it depends on what he meant by "going out."

    When you're older (I'm assuming you're not) your 20s or so, asking someone out to go somewhere,means they're dating..not actually starting a relationship yet, but getting to know each other by going out to dinner, hanging out with friends together, etc.

    "Going out" when you're younger, usually means you're considered to be a couple (actual boyfriend/girlfriend) which case you basically do the same thing as above. Hang out together, do stuff with friends ,etc. Except you get the privilege of holding hands and doing all the cute relationship stuff already.

    So..just take it slow and follow his lead, you'll figure it out

  6. umm.... think likes friends hanging out discussion more personal stuff.

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